a reason to like Amnesty International

lyn.xes's Avatar
Amnesty International Considers Pushing for Decriminalization of Prostitution

But the effort to crack down on a largely male clientele while sheltering a mostly female work force is taking place just as the human rights group Amnesty International is advocating a new course: decriminalizing all prostitution, both for buyers and sellers.

At an international conference next week in Dublin, about 500 Amnesty delegates from more than 80 countries will vote on whether to advocate the elimination of all penalties for prostitution, based on “evidence that the criminalization of adult sex work can lead to increased human rights violations against sex workers.”...

“Prostitution has always been considered a domestic matter, and now Amnesty could elevate it to a point of international human rights law,” said Francis A. Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois....

But Amnesty International, formed in 1961 to bring attention to political prisoners, argues for a different approach in a leaked proposal that has circulated widely. That document contends that sexual desire is a fundamental need and that punishing buyers “may amount to a violation of the right to privacy and undermine the rights to free expression and health.” The group also cites the benefits for buyers with physical and psychological disabilities who “feel safe to express their sexuality” and “develop a stronger sense of self with their relationships with sex workers.”....

“We are looking at decriminalization of sex work in a very comprehensive way that goes beyond the Nordic model,” he said. “We have looked at the pros and cons of various models.” If a majority approve the decriminalization proposal at next week’s conference, it will be shaped into a final form by Amnesty’s board. The stance will not have any immediate impact, except it will be the organization’s official position as it lobbies on issues in various countries.....

He added that targeting buyers amounted to “manufactured moral panic.” He said: “They think that if you are a foreign sex worker that you are trafficked. We feel they are actually economic migrants.”...

“The really crucial element,” she said, “is that it defines sex workers as exchanging sex for money as opposed to characterizing them as victims of violence.”...
ICU 812's Avatar
I have been so disappointed in the un-realized potential of the current administration regarding the Hobby.

This is THE most liberal (and anti-conservative) administration in US history. Major support has been given to open immigration, gay marriage and other LGBT issues, and the toleration of state legalized Pot. Over and over, the administration has cited European cultural norms to support these efforts.

Why can't we get afederal support of sex-for-money the way it is legal about everywhere else? I would give money to, and vote for, any Demodrat who promised us that.
Jambon-X's Avatar

Predictably, they're backing down already.

A self-appointed neo-feminist thing that calls itself "equality now" - full of "all sex is rape" nutjobs - is objecting, and Amnesty is going all weak-in-the-knees.

So will Amnesty make its policy based on evidence, or will it bow to political correctness to remain in good standing with neo-leftist ideology?

That was a rhetorical question. Amnesty will issue a bland pronouncement stating that "WHILE yes, the weight of evidence supports decriminalization and humane and dignified treatment of sex workers,

1) sex trafficking, and

2) men already have too much power in the sexual "transaction,"

therefore we of the board of Amnesty call upon local jurisdictions to adopt rational policies in regard to health and safety blah blah blah nothing nothing."

So in the end, this will be a reason to NOT like Amnesty International -
bowing down to ideological power because their proposed position was not acceptable to a man-hating, sex hating "feminazi" named Jessica Neuwirth:


Jessica says