BP's Escort Section Censored By Govt

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BP's escort section has been censored by the govt. I guess they think the girls won't find another site to go to. HA!
Exactly they can't stop human nature or testosterone. It happened years ago with Craigslist everybody was freaking out and a few weeks later Backpage was the new Craigslist. Plus you can also find ladies on social media and they will find other ways around it I think it's all going to come down to apps like dating apps but special dating apps lol they already have one started in New York I think it's called ooh lala I'm not sure

Plus honestly when Craigslist got shut down I got bombarded with regulars so I'm hoping for the same. I just feel sorry for the new girls just getting started with no real regulars yet. I also feel sad for some of the ladies that will probably end up on the street and for the young kids that are prostituted out buy pimps because they're going to be a lot harder to find.
Gotyour6's Avatar
You cant stop the oldest profession.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Backpage took it down to save his ass.

No one forced him
The dating section is already full of the same ads that were in the escort section.
CrimsonDynamo's Avatar
From the Washington Post about Backpage:

Children of the Night Founder and President Lois Lee called the site a “critical investigative tool” that has helped authorities arrest pimps and recover missing children.

“The ability to search for and track potentially exploited children on a website and have the website bend over backwards to help and cooperate with police the way Backpage did was totally unique,” Lee said in a statement.”It not only made law enforcement’s job easier, it made them much more effective at rescuing kids and convicting pimps.”