Don't Have Permission...

@rlo726's Avatar
To view my own reviews? What's up with that?
All of the old reviews, pre-shutdown, appear to be inaccessible, whether you wrote them or not.
To view my own reviews? What's up with that? Originally Posted by @rlo726
I'm having the same problem.
I have posted this reply at least three times, but for those who don't look around here it ia again.

Because the old reports do not conform to the new template, those will remain hidden for the foreseeable future. The new template has removed certain items. The template is a more generic post and it will be renamed Encounter Report. The Admin staff and developers will be working on scrubbing the old reports and making those items available as time permits.

Rub, you, as have others like you, have created a serious problem by creating a second account, which is a major violation, by the way and subject to a permanent ban for the new account and a 90 day ban for your original account instead of clicking on "Contact Us" at the bottom of EACH page in the forum.

I will respond to your PM shortly.

People, DO NOT create second accounts simply because you cannot see old reports. This causes much more work on the behalf of the staff to correct and as you might guess, the list is long at this point of the re-launch, not to mention the delays in resolving your personal account probems that might keep you away from the site.