This chart helps explain a lot

berryberry's Avatar
56% of liberal white women and over 30% of liberal men aged 18-29 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition per this study.

They are the true beating heart of the Democrat Party that keeps American communists going. Without them and their influence, the entire Democrat power structure would collapse.
berryberry's Avatar
Wonder how much correlation there is between the chart above and this one

It certainly seems that the leftists are preying on the mentally disturbed and using social engineering to create a client class that will be beholden to them at election time

It is the same thing they are doing allowing criminal illegals to invade our country and live off the American taxpayers in order to create a client class that will vote for Democrats

The leftists are trying to transform the country giving the left a permanent electoral majority both via letting illegals invade our country and by preying on the mentally disturbed to advance their agenda