Canadian man told his curb, damaged 26 years ago, to be repaired in 2037

  • oeb11
  • 11-06-2019, 09:09 AM
A Canadian man's request to fix the curb in front of his Winnipeg home could take nearly a half-century by the time city workers get around to it.

Calvin Hawley reported damage done to the curb outside his home by a snow removal machine in 1993. Years of calls and complaints went unanswered until the city finally gave him a target date for the repairs: June 26, 2037.
"It's 26 years old right now, if you do the math and they don't get around to doing it until their target date of 2037. Then this is damage that would have sat here for [44] years. How is that reasonable?" Hawley told the Candian Broadcasting Corporation.
"It is kinda funny when you think about. It will be a grand day when they actually come out," he added.

Hawley remembers the date the curb was damaged--Jan. 26, 1993, the day his second son was born.
"I came home from the hospital ... and discovered a large chunk of curb under a whole whack of snow," he said.
He said he's called the city on and off for years to plead for repairs. At one point, Hawley was told the city's system for logging complaints had changed and that his was no longer on record.
As time passed, the rebar on the curb began to crumble and became more exposed. With the help of neighbors, he placed decorative stones where the chunk of curb used to be.
The final straw came on July 1, 2017.
"I was watching crews merrily drive past the front of my driveway to stop and repair other curbs on the other side of the bay that weren't as damaged as mine or as old," Hawley told CBC.
He filed yet another complaint later that day. That's when he was given his repair date, scheduled for nearly 18 years in the future.
Ken Allen, a city spokesperson, told CBC that repairs are always inspected by the city before work can begin. Repairs to residential streets not deemed to be hazardous can take up to more than a year to be addressed, he said.

"The anticipated time frame for curb repairs to be made varies and also depends on street priority. Regional streets is five years, non-regional streets is ten years and residential streets is 20 years," Allen said.
Winnipeg City Councillor Brian Mayes said he will bring up Hawley's issue with the city's chief administrative officer to get a more realistic date for the delayed curb repair.
"Hopefully, before I'm out of office we'll knock off [Hawley's]," Mayes said.

Characteristic of socialist response to needed infrastructure upgrade.
DPST's want to spend the money on subsidizing eskimos and illegal immigrants.

Canada is a lesson to be learned - hh and his dog -sled are in denial!!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING at that story! Good one, good buddy! Wait until you gets socialism! And I don’t have a dog sled, but if I did, I know who would be pulling it!
  • oeb11
  • 11-06-2019, 10:53 AM
dogsled is a major transport in canada - socialism takes all the money for government boondoggles.
HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING again!

Don’t drown in all that moisture. I see a dog foaming like yous, he gets one of these, LOL!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LOLLING again!

Don’t drown in all that moisture. I see a dog foaming like yous, he gets one of these, LOL! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if you say so ... Mamboolah/Yssup Rider self-outed poster!
A Canadian man's request to fix the curb in front of his Winnipeg home could take nearly a half-century by the time city workers get around to it.

Calvin Hawley reported damage done to the curb outside his home by a snow removal machine in 1993. Years of calls and complaints went unanswered until the city finally gave him a target date for the repairs: June 26, 2037.
"It's 26 years old right now, if you do the math and they don't get around to doing it until their target date of 2037. Then this is damage that would have sat here for [44] years. How is that reasonable?" Hawley told the Candian Broadcasting Corporation.
"It is kinda funny when you think about. It will be a grand day when they actually come out," he added.

Hawley remembers the date the curb was damaged--Jan. 26, 1993, the day his second son was born.
"I came home from the hospital ... and discovered a large chunk of curb under a whole whack of snow," he said.
He said he's called the city on and off for years to plead for repairs. At one point, Hawley was told the city's system for logging complaints had changed and that his was no longer on record.
As time passed, the rebar on the curb began to crumble and became more exposed. With the help of neighbors, he placed decorative stones where the chunk of curb used to be.
The final straw came on July 1, 2017.
"I was watching crews merrily drive past the front of my driveway to stop and repair other curbs on the other side of the bay that weren't as damaged as mine or as old," Hawley told CBC.
He filed yet another complaint later that day. That's when he was given his repair date, scheduled for nearly 18 years in the future.
Ken Allen, a city spokesperson, told CBC that repairs are always inspected by the city before work can begin. Repairs to residential streets not deemed to be hazardous can take up to more than a year to be addressed, he said.

"The anticipated time frame for curb repairs to be made varies and also depends on street priority. Regional streets is five years, non-regional streets is ten years and residential streets is 20 years," Allen said.
Winnipeg City Councillor Brian Mayes said he will bring up Hawley's issue with the city's chief administrative officer to get a more realistic date for the delayed curb repair.
"Hopefully, before I'm out of office we'll knock off [Hawley's]," Mayes said.

Characteristic of socialist response to needed infrastructure upgrade.
DPST's want to spend the money on subsidizing eskimos and illegal immigrants.

Canada is a lesson to be learned - hh and his dog -sled are in denial!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Canada has the same system with their Health Care System. A country of only 45 Million their Government efficiency is shit.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
well.. that's govt. corruption for ya... that the money for street repairs is not there shows where the corrupt misspend things on stupid things like art instead of taking care of city infastructure. libs have a different set of priorities.
  • oeb11
  • 11-07-2019, 05:54 AM
Just like the DPST's in America - plenty of money for graft and illegal aliens, and homeless boondoggle apartments in lala land, but zip for infratructure - can't divert funds as easily to their own pockets.

True in Canada as well.

DPST trudeau party very similar to america's DPST's!
Socialists all.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Canada = social progressives ,,,,, So I don't know why this shocks anyone ( oh I forgot the DPSTs don't like FAILUREs )
HoeHummer's Avatar
Your typically American scowling and scoffing won’t allay the fact that you’re all dead jealous of life in Canada, our balmy weather nonwithstanding.

Yous don’t realse it, but we’re all LOLLING at yous every day.

According to the latest scoring, Canada is one of the world’s Top 10 happiest countries, and the happiest in the entire Western Hemisphere, which by the way the US government has systematically fucked up over the decades,

In 2019, Canada ranked #9, behind the Scandinavians, Switzerland and New Zealand, whilst the US ranked 19, behind such countries as Costa Rica, war-torn Israel, and the Brexit countries UK, just a few points ahead of Mexico. Expect them to rise in the rankings when Trump completes his wall.

Chirp about Canada’s government and lifestyle all you like, but yous are the big losers. And everybody knows it but you. America tries to solve its own problems by lying to its people and attacking the success of other, more civilised countries. How’s that working out for you, eh?

Give your balls a tug already, ye scowlers and scoffers!
Your typically American scowling and scoffing won’t allay the fact that you’re all dead jealous of life in Canada, our balmy weather nonwithstanding.

Yous don’t realse it, but we’re all LOLLING at yous every day.

According to the latest scoring, Canada is one of the world’s Top 10 happiest countries, and the happiest in the entire Western Hemisphere, which by the way the US government has systematically fucked up over the decades,

In 2019, Canada ranked #9, behind the Scandinavians, Switzerland and New Zealand, whilst the US ranked 19, behind such countries as Costa Rica, war-torn Israel, and the Brexit countries UK, just a few points ahead of Mexico. Expect them to rise in the rankings when Trump completes his wall.

Chirp about Canada’s government and lifestyle all you like, but yous are the big losers. And everybody knows it but you. America tries to solve its own problems by lying to its people and attacking the success of other, more civilised countries. How’s that working out for you, eh?

Give your balls a tug already, ye scowlers and scoffers! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
If Canadians are happy folks, I am willing to bet two major factors are low population and low ethnic diversity.
HoeHummer's Avatar
This is the second time one of yous have made comments about ethnicities. How American!

Maybe you should question why people are happier living in Costa Rica or even the dirty old UK than in the US?

We have basically the same ethnicities yous do. We just don't spend our time blaming them for our problems like yous.

But your answer reflects the ignorant attitude of most Americans when it comes to other, more civilised nations.

Then there's theses:

and dont forget this one:

So stick that in your tailpipe and smoke it!
  • oeb11
  • 11-07-2019, 10:30 AM
If canadians are so happy - why is hh anger and hatred on display towards America.?
Displacement - from the land of ice, snow, and fat Ukranian females who say 'Nyet"!!
Those models are engaging in careers in "America"!!!!
This is the second time one of yous have made comments about ethnicities. How American!

Maybe you should question why people are happier living in Costa Rica or even the dirty old UK than in the US?

We have basically the same ethnicities yous do. We just don't spend our time blaming them for our problems like yous.

But your answer reflects the ignorant attitude of most Americans when it comes to other, more civilised nations.

Then there's theses:

and dont forget this one:

So stick that in your tailpipe and smoke it! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Canada doesn't have the ethnic diversity as America does nor the population, and there is beautiful women all over the world. Canada doesn't have a corner on that by no means.
HoeHummer's Avatar
So are you arguing with yourself, eh? Do you like beautiful women? Your friend seems to think they are only allowed in the US.

You’re also badly mistaken about the ethnic diversity.