Barron Trump......

bambino's Avatar
Something tells me he'll be the next Otter
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
nothing would please Der Führer .. er President Trump more.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Otter encounters Dean Wormer's Ho ..

i must now post an age restricted youtoobie/googlie post .. i mean .. everyone has a googie id right??
bambino's Avatar

Otter encounters Dean Wormer's Ho ..

i must now post an age restricted youtoobie/googlie post .. i mean .. everyone has a googie id right?? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes, a pussy hound with the smooth rap. He won't be a drunk bumbler like a Kennedy.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Barron Trump...... Originally Posted by bambino
GL #10?
BigLouie's Avatar
Wrong, Barron will either turn out like the head of the student counsel OR Van Wilder
Barron Trump will probably grow up to be just like The President.

Is there some evidence to the contrary?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Could be worse.
It could be Hillary with a daughter that grew up to steal from a "charitable foundation". But she was taught that charity begins at home.........
Barron Trump will probably grow up to be just like The President.

Is there some evidence to the contrary? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Barron is Autistic he's probably more like "Rain man" That being said there is no need to make anymore comments about this kid.

Anyone ever say anything negative about Obama's kids?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, a pussy hound with the smooth rap. He won't be a drunk bumbler like a Kennedy. Originally Posted by bambino
u mean he'd be smart enough to avoid bridges while drunk??

Wrong, Barron will either turn out like the head of the student counsel OR Van Wilder Originally Posted by BigLouie
Van Wilder=Otter. same thing. so he has a 50/50 probability to be a cad. i'm good with that. so is daddy Trump. u go boy!!! grb tht pussy!

Barron is Autistic he's probably more like "Rain man" That being said there is no need to make anymore comments about this kid.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
why not? i mean .. he is the Emperor in waiting yes??? he like Ivor the boneless shall be feared by libtards everywhere .. including Palm Springs.

even the rain hates Obama ..

Rain diverts plane as Obama family heads for a post-presidential vacation in Palm Springs

<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="" alt="Obama plane" class="trb_embed_imageContaine r_img" title="Obama plane" data-c-nd="2048x1357" data-role="imgsize_srcsetdisplayite m">

An Air Force plane carrying former President Obama and his family attempts to land at Palm Springs International Airport, but the aircraft was diverted to Riverside County because of severe wind and rain. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
Kurtis LeeContact Reporter

At the base of the San Jacinto Mountains, Barack Obama — like many of his presidential peers — finds comfort. He’s birdied on manicured golf courses in Rancho Mirage and hosted leaders from China and Jordan.
So it made sense that Palm Springs would be Obama’s destination for his first vacation as a private citizen after life in the White House. But like much of his last year in office, the trip hit some turbulence.

From Our Partners: Watch President Barack Obama Meet President-Elect Donald Trump for the Fi…

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inRead invented by Teads

Strong rain and winds forced the plane carrying the Obama family to keep circling over the Palm Springs International Airport before it was finally diverted to March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County.

The diversion was a disappointment to several dozen supporters, umbrellas in tow, who gathered along streets near the airport to catch a glimpse of Obama’s arrival on an Air Force plane.

"It's the end of a truly historic presidency," said Ashley Farb, 23, a nursing student at College of the Desert, said as she stood gazing at the tarmac. “Even though he’s not in office, he’s still my president.”

The heavy rain kept most Obama fans in their cars, and as the delay dragged on, they sometimes rolled down windows to holler, “What’s going on?” to passersby. When word spread that Obama would reach the Palm Spring area hours late by motorcade, disappointed people quickly drove off.

<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="" alt="Former President Obama and his wife, Michelle, prepare to board a flight from Maryland to California after attending President Trump's inauguration." class="trb_embed_imageContaine r_img" title="Former President Obama and his wife, Michelle, prepare to board a flight from Maryland to California after attending President Trump's inauguration." data-c-nd="2048x1132"> Former President Obama and his wife, Michelle, prepare to board a flight from Maryland to California after attending President Trump's inauguration. (Steve Helber / Associated Press)

The Coachella Valley — which spans several cities, including Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage and Indio — has become a mainstay for past presidents. Starting with Herbert Hoover, every president except Franklin Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter has visited the area either while in office or shortly after leaving it.

Gerald Ford lived in a 6,300-square-foot house situated near the golf course of the Thunderbird Country Club in Rancho Mirage. It was built shortly after Ford left office in 1977, and he lived there up until his death in 2006. Gerald Ford Drive is a main east and west thoroughfare through the city.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower first came to Palm Springs in 1954. He stayed at the Smoke Tree Ranch, an enclave of cottages situated on 375 acres of desert. He later settled down in Indian Wells and the Eisenhower Medical Center is a major hospital in the area.

Among the most famous of locations for past presidents to visit is the Sunnylands resort, a 200-acre desert estate, with lush golf course and pristine country clubs. It’s hosted several presidents: John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, and, informally, has been referred to as the Western White House.

In 2013, Obama hosted China President Xi Jinping for a bilateral meeting at Sunnylands. A year later he used Sunnylands as the backdrop for a meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan, an important Middle Eastern ally.

“We’re grateful and just flat-out flattered that President Obama has chosen to spend time in the area,” said Rancho Mirage Mayor Ted Weill. “We hope he makes this a regular visit in his post-presidency. …This is the place for ex-presidents.”

Indeed, some locals have speculated that the Obamas might purchase a home here. While they plan to make Washington their main residence for the next two years as their youngest daughter, Sasha, finishes high school, the Obamas have regularly stayed at the Thunderbird Estates home of interior designer Michael Smith and James Costos, who served as ambassador to Spain under the Obama administration.]

On Friday, as rain pounded the area, volunteers set up tents along a downtown street where the Tour de Palm Springs bike ride was set to be held this weekend.

“I always respect the office,” said volunteer Cheryl Guess, 60, who has lived in the Coachella Valley since 1998 and is a Republican. “I might not always agree with Obama, but I respect the office and I’m glad he can come here at get some rest.”

Fellow volunteer Nancy Liebman, who travels to Palm Springs each winter from Missouri, was thrilled Obama was arriving. On Friday afternoon, she looked toward the darkening sky. Hours later, the flight would be diverted.
“It’s terrible all this rain — it never rains,” she said. “Perhaps it’s Mother Nature just crying that his time as president has ended.”

<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="" alt="Trump supporters react on Inauguration Day" class="trb_video_embeddedvideo _img" title="Trump supporters react on Inauguration Day" data-c-nd="1280x720">
Caption Trump supporters react on Inauguration Day

<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="" alt="Trump supporters react on Inauguration Day" class="trb_video_embeddedvideo _img" title="Trump supporters react on Inauguration Day" data-c-nd="1280x720">
Trump supporters react on Inauguration Day

<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="" alt="President Donald Trump's inaugural speech" class="trb_video_embeddedvideo _img" title="President Donald Trump's inaugural speech" data-c-nd="1920x1080">
President Donald Trump's inaugural speech

<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="" alt="Voices in the crowd on Inauguration Day" class="trb_video_embeddedvideo _img" title="Voices in the crowd on Inauguration Day" data-c-nd="1280x720">
Voices in the crowd on Inauguration Day

<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="" alt="Donald Trump is sworn in as president by Chief Justice John Roberts" class="trb_video_embeddedvideo _img" title="Donald Trump is sworn in as president by Chief Justice John Roberts" data-c-nd="1280x720">
Donald Trump is sworn in as president by Chief Justice John Roberts

<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="" alt="LAUSD parents and students protest Donald Trump" class="trb_video_embeddedvideo _img" title="LAUSD parents and students protest Donald Trump" data-c-nd="1280x720">
LAUSD parents and students protest Donald Trump
Twitter: @kurtisalee
Trump is sworn in as president, a divisive, singular figure promising to lift up 'the forgotten'
Trump starts his presidency with a theme similar to Reagan's, but a tone far more negative
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Trump starts his presidency

all who oppose Emperor Donald the first .. er Der Fuhrer .. i mean President Trump ... must die! u are either with us .. or against us. where have u heard that before????


Anyone ever say anything negative about Obama's kids? Originally Posted by ilikefun
Would you like us to start?

bambino's Avatar
Barron is Autistic he's probably more like "Rain man" That being said there is no need to make anymore comments about this kid.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I was complimenting him. BTW, the autism claims are false:
Would you like us to start?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You can start by discussing your degenerate offspring you had out of wedlock.
I was complimenting him. BTW, the autism claims are false: Originally Posted by bambino
Here's to hoping that Melania Trump goes " Momma Bear " on Rotund Rosie Odonnell for publicly saying that about the child ! Sue that fat lib BEYOTCH !