Thank you ladies of America .....

It's quite apparent they are sending a message to Trump!!!!

The crowds are tremendous and nearly double the crowd at Trump's lame inauguration.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey, it looks like LubeMyAss is back!

And it's quite apparent he is sending us a message - he misses getting his swishy ass fucked over and over again on eccie! The poor wop didn't get reamed enough the last time he showed up here!

Hey Lube, why did you disappear on Nov. 8th? Did something happen on that day to make you shut the fuck up for 2-1/2 months?
goodman0422's Avatar
Look closely at the crowd. Some of the bikers who came to counter violent protests were still there.
Others were clearly protesting the women's group with pro-life signs. Was it that hard to get a shot of the crowd without the counter-protesters? Or did they just not care, realizing liberals will believe anything as long as it is in line with their agenda.
The media preys on the weak minded.

It's quite apparent they are sending a message to Trump!!!!

The crowds are tremendous and nearly double the crowd at Trump's lame inauguration. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

I got a better ideal, Hipster_Jamieboy. Watch this and see if you get so triggered you have to go to your safe-room and be comforted by puppies. Let me know, thanks iffy
I got a better ideal, Hipster_Jamieboy. Watch this and see if you get so triggered you have to go to your safe-room and be comforted by puppies. Let me know, thanks iffy Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
sorry not watching any of your trashy one sided videos
Look closely at the crowd. Some of the bikers who came to counter violent protests were still there.
Others were clearly protesting the women's group with pro-life signs. Was it that hard to get a shot of the crowd without the counter-protesters? Or did they just not care, realizing liberals will believe anything as long as it is in line with their agenda.
The media preys on the weak minded. Originally Posted by goodman0422
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
look at Luke's pussy hat!

news flash idiot. Trump doesn't care about the pussy hat army. well over 50% of white females voted for Trump. #GrabEmByThePussy #PantsuiteNation bahhaa
sorry not watching any of your trashy one sided videos Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I would say it's one sided too. The side that matters and that's the side that wins. Everything else is just trash.


It's quite apparent they are sending a message to Trump!!!!

The crowds are tremendous and nearly double the crowd at Trump's lame inauguration. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Girly_Hipster, can you read... ?

Can you see?


Remember Wisconsin?

This is the same opposition.

How about this Girly_Hipster, can you read this?

Making Moonbattery Great Again…

Posted on January 21, 2017 by sundance

Most of America knows the organizers of the various “Women’s Marches” today did not construct women’s events, they constructed events for women who are anti-Trump and voted for Hillary Clinton, ie. liberal women. After all, billionaire George Soro’s financing is behind more than 50 groups who organized the various events.

There is a specific type of moonbattery exhibited by people demanding they must not be defined by their body parts, while they simultaneously hold up signs defining themselves by their body parts. An intellectual irony seemingly lost almost all the marchers. Do you think the person holding up that sign is aware of the inherent irony?

Another inconvenient truth that diminishes the overall political point is the lack of diversity amid the crowds. The irony grows exponentially when you realize the majority of white women voted for Donald Trump by substantial margins (52% Trump, 43% Clinton).

However, not everyone is blind to the political gender hypocrisy.

This non-white lady holding the sign is exactly correct. But apparently those in the background are incapable of seeing the irony:

Note the non Moonbat is not taking a silly selfie, nor is she wearing her defining body parts on top of her head. Mz. sign holder is likely more comfortable with race-driven identity political (BLM) marches, and just showed up at the rally to poke a little fun at the stupid white chicks while gaining some swag.


Speaking of stupid white chicks…. There is so much moonbattery here it’s gob-smacking.

Does anyone know where I can pick up some free razors? Apparently, I’ve been doing it wrong for decades because I’ve been paying for them expensive razors all along.

Who knew.

I’m guessing this is supposed to be about a demand for equality or something, but I’m a little unsure if the bearer of the message actually thought it through. Are Tampons currently free?… I need to get out more.

This lady is also sending a rather dynamic message:

Someone passing by should ask her if we could provide greater equity for her concern by allowing children to buy guns? Maybe even babies should be allowed to concealed carry.

Hypothetical Me passing by: “Excuse me, what age would be considered most appropriate for a child’s right to keep it’s bare arms?”

She’d probably look at me funny.

Girl Power.

Just not baby girl power.

One size fits all, or do they make those knitted caps in fetal sizes? I digress…

Moving on…

Hypothetical me: “Um, ma’am, is your movement advocating for mass increases in birth rates, because your sign says “Uteruses Untie” depending on how you try to hold it.

womens-march-3But seriously, there’s a really odd dynamic here of mass moonbat level liberalism running amok. Again.

The good news is the professional moonbat left would not be utilizing larger aggregate check-boxes for identity politics if they didn’t need to cast a wide net.

An example is here, where an intellectual liberal woman, who keenly voted for Donald Trump for all the smart policy reasons, writes:

[…] “Much like post-election protests, which included a sign, “Kill Trump,” were not “spontaneous,” as reported by some media outlets, the “Women’s March” is an extension of strategic identity politics that has so fractured America today, from campuses to communities. On the left or the right, it’s wrong.

But, with the inauguration, we know the politics. With the march, “women” have been appropriated for a clearly anti-Trump day. When I shared my thoughts with her, my yoga studio owner said it was “sad” the march’s organizers masked their politics. “I want love for everyone,” she said” (more).
What an absolute clown show! Bunch of crybabies!
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-21-2017, 09:07 PM
Luke is gonna be pissed off. You just outed he two daughters.
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Check out your new President, Jammie_Hipster if you can see thru that handle bar mustache... DJT threw out all of the old furniture! enlarge it and take a good look! say Hi, to Churchill!

Luke is gonna be pissed off. You just outed he two daughters.
Originally Posted by R.M.
i was hoping you contracted AIDs and died you mixed breed mutt- you still shaving men's hairy balls you once a month bleeding cunt? I have respect for those women who marched because unlike you they probably all have real jobs and do sit around on a whore site looking to shave men's balls and asses.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
IFFY u forgot the best one of all

this idiot and his libtard brainwashed spawn. God help 'em said the atheist

bambino's Avatar
look at Luke's pussy hat!

news flash idiot. Trump doesn't care about the pussy hat army. well over 50% of white females voted for Trump. #GrabEmByThePussy #PantsuiteNation bahhaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No no, he's the one in the vagina hat.