Leave the LGBT & Pro Abortion crowd alone

I say leave the Liberals alone, they will kill their ilk off.
They will teach their children to be fags and lesbians. And if you get pregnant KILL the baby. They will destruct their own kind. IMHO about 20 years. All the while conservative God fearing will have children. That and the brilliant #JumpAgaintTrump movement that should do it of these fucking psychopaths.

Poor Liberals, they are just too high strung to handle reality.

  • DSK
  • 01-24-2017, 07:18 PM
I say leave the Liberals alone, they will kill their ilk off.
They will teach their children to be fags and lesbians. And if you get pregnant KILL the baby. They will destruct their own kind. IMHO about 20 years. All the while conservative God fearing will have children. That and the brilliant #JumpAgaintTrump movement that should do it of these fucking psychopaths.

Attachment 611558 Originally Posted by canuckeight
Yes, if those faggots die off that would be great.
In a way, I agree with leaving them alone. One of the wrong tracks the TEA party took, or at least some of them, is they got off message.

Do I agree with abortion on demand, gay weddings, and transgender faggots taking a dump in the stall next to a 10 year old girl? No, but Trump needs to focus on our economic prosperity first. My portfolio went up $14.5K today and I'm not even fully back in the market.

LexusLover's Avatar
My portfolio went up $14.5K today and I'm not even fully back in the market. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Some profit taking caused a little pull back, but the positive steps he's TAKING IN REALITY have long term value to business and "speculation" in the future conditions is more likely now. Some of the folks who visited with him (may be all) are associated with "investment funds"!
LexusLover's Avatar
I say leave the Liberals alone, ... Originally Posted by canuckeight
The past 8 years has demonstrated that their "philosophy" doesn't work and is not representative of the country and the direction in which most of the country wants to be headed. Handing out shit creates the illusion of a positive response to the person doing the giving, but in reality when the shit dries up resentment results, because there is no more shit being passed out. It's "the shit" and not the person doing the passing.

In this country the people creating "the shit" to pass out are fed up with the reaction of those with their hands out....and the "creators" have been slowly strangled by the Government policies. Most of these whining wimps in the street have the time to dance around and vandalize, because they don't have to punch a clock in the morning to get a pay check. It may be because there is no "clock to punch" or they get "free shit" so they don't have show up and punch a clock. Same result.

The businesses they disrupt help pay for their "free shit" and/or provide a job for someone who does want to punch a clock.