Commiefornia residents move to recall Gov. Gruesome.

Even in Commiefornia the residents have had enough of this radical if things weren't bad enough this fucker is making things many times worse. I think this will be a wave in the 2020 election as reflected in the popularity of the Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse. It seems as if SPEED thinks that this far leftwing shift is going to resonate in 2020, just look at the assclowns vying for the presidential nomination. I look for another 72' or 84' shellacking!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well that was a short honeymoon wasn't it? if you don't think a recall can work ask Gray Davis and his successor .. the Governator.

yeah liberals ... how's that socialist open borders shit workin' out for ya now??

rexdutchman's Avatar
Backing socialism ,,, ( never works out)
bambino's Avatar
It would be nice if the Republicans could convince the hardworking Asians of California that the Democrats are not their friends. They are natural conservatives for the most part.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Even in Commiefornia the residents have had enough of this radical if things weren't bad enough this fucker is making things many times worse. I think this will be a wave in the 2020 election as reflected in the popularity of the Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse. It seems as if SPEED thinks that this far leftwing shift is going to resonate in 2020, just look at the assclowns vying for the presidential nomination. I look for another 72' or 84' shellacking!! Originally Posted by bb1961
You continue to be wrong with your comments about me. I do NOT support those on the far left. If you understand ANYTHING, understand that.
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2019, 07:47 AM
SR - You are i the wrong camp, respectfully
The ultra Leftist socialists are the voice and direction of the DPST party.
Open borders, Soylent green New Deal, Free everything for illegals. Sharia law.

Fuck US citizens. That is their mantra.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper right there is the problem, and think the LSM failure to report just how bad Open Borders ,Sharia law -- on an on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
You continue to be wrong with your comments about me. I do NOT support those on the far left. If you understand ANYTHING, understand that. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Like on the posts you make about tax cuts and the Gumment not doing with you throw far left into the mix.
I don't believe you're a supporter of antifa...but just how far left do you swing?? You're trying to convince me you have conservative tendencies...what are they?? I've pretty much espoused mine...I ware the Conservative badge with consider the socialist badge a pejorative...HUMMMM.
Does the "progressive" badge make you feel less threatened??
You continue to be wrong with your comments about me. I do NOT support those on the far left. If you understand ANYTHING, understand that. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
A short read up on your recent past post would convince any reasonable person that this statement is a lie.

Fascist(and islamist) have a playbook that teaches the true believer to embed themselves, and seem reasonable, while waiting for their time to impose their truly supreme systems of government.

If you insist on going down this route, my suggestion would be to ghost your account, and start over. Your past post condemn you to being judged as on the most extreme fringe of your ilk.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I hear black helicopter 's
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It would be nice if the Republicans could convince the hardworking Asians of California that the Democrats are not their friends. They are natural conservatives for the most part. Originally Posted by friendly fred

asians are a large diverse group. most of them are libs.

but there is one group of asians who growing more and more conservative as the years go by, that group is the Chinese-Americans.

Chinese groups is the largest group and growing.

Vietamese is also close too.

the rest of the lib asians can go suck an spoiled egg!

they've seen up and close what it socialism did to them, their families and their friends and neighbors.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Cali is startin to sound like PR ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
asians are a large diverse group. most of them are libs.

but there is one group of asians who growing more and more conservative as the years go by, that group is the Chinese-Americans.

Chinese groups is the largest group and growing.

Vietamese is also close too.

the rest of the lib asians can go suck an spoiled egg!

they've seen up and close what it socialism did to them, their families and their friends and neighbors. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I am glad you mention Vietnamese. I know a few, they are funny as hell. They hate Liberals, they love guns, fast cars and they don't give a shit what liberals think. They are actually pretty cool people. They are very knowledgeable of our silly politics, the media and how people are manipulated by it.