Smokers read this

Yerassman's Avatar
I was in chat this morning, the topic turned to smoking, a few guys said they were lifetime smokers as I am myself, way to many years of it. I am 58 fictional years old, started when i was 12.
I lost a sister a few months ago to lung cancer. A tragic loss and a wakeup call for me. I tried to quit but the jones was to tramatic, just plain could not function, I have zero descipline, never have, always the path of least resistance here.
What I am getting at is this new ( to me anyway) product called "snus" pronounced "snooze", Camel and Marlboro each market their own version of it. I tried it, it is a form of "dip" with no spitting and no raw wad of tobacco in your mouth. It is homogenized tobacco, you can swollow the juice and it has a pleasant taste.
In a nut shell it has rescued me from the clutches of hell. I now smoke 4 cigarettes a day (my choice). The nicotine fullfilment is identical to cigarettes, you place it in between your cheek and gum,(it is a little cloth sack of tobacco )and is un-noticeable in your mouth.
If your really serious about quitting, this product will get you there, painlessly. It is sold in all convenience stores. Or if your an indoor, office guy jonesin' til the next break, this is your salvation. I hope this will help anyone who reads it ,extend their life painlessly.
I recommend the Camel "Robust", the pouches are larger, for a stronger kick and I enjoy the taste, kind of sweet. P.S- it is true what they about food, it is much tastier.

Yerassman's Avatar
This also for the ladies also, they have a smaller pouch that is mint flavored, try it you may like it.
Thanks for posting this. I have never smoked. I do know many smokers. I am going to let them know about the pouches. Hopefully it will help them too
Yerassman's Avatar
Hi Amy, glad you stopped by, also like your services. The product was a heaven sent to me, allot of us baby boomers are getting on up there and are going to start paying for our "sins". I was a 1 to 1.25 pack a day smoker, I can go all day with 0, but still enjoy one, usually after a meal. I think, in time, this will also cease.

Good luck with your friends.
Nice message, thanks for the info. iam in the process of cutting down/hopefully to quit but thats a slow process and often not affective. I'll give this product a try.
roscoe14850's Avatar
These are safer than smoking, but not completely benign. They can cause oral cancer of the tongue, cheek, lip, and gums so bear that in mind...
Yerassman's Avatar
Roscoe, I agree completely, I personally, have been destroying my lungs for decades. I am at an age where the writing is on the wall, either stop or suffer the consequences. The gamble in my case was a no brainer.
This product apparently started over in Denmark, I may be wrong, but I think they have one of lowest rates of lung cancer in the modern world.
I see you are from Ithica, hard winter up there this year. I hail from the 1000 islands area as a young guy.
Thanks for the comment.
  • LynnT
  • 02-12-2011, 09:13 AM
Its just switching one bad habit to another. Bad idea.

Although your age I see your point and how it helps kick the ciggs. I'd probably do the same thing lol.

For someone younger I dont suggest this at all.

You have to remember its not all about the addiction, there are oral fixations and psych issues to deal with as well with quitting smoking. I have to deal with this myself.
I smoked for 14 years and I used the nicotine patch to stop. It worked great - of course I was also still doing 420 at the time so if I had a real urge to smoke I did that. Now I don't do anything and I'm completely sober.

Anything you can do to stop the smoking is better for your lungs, but view it as a step toward freedom from tobacco products and start slowly cutting back on the pouches as soon as you get those 4 cigs per day cut out.

I guarantee to anyone if you have been smoking for more than 10 years, by the time you quit smoking for a 30 to 90 days, having coughed most of the crud out of your lungs, one day it's going to occur to you that cigarette smoke is one of the foulest things you can ever have imagined smelling, much less inhaling, and you will never go back. It's really just the first couple of weeks that kick your butt. And I bet cutting down off those pouches and putting them down will be easier than it was to quit the actual smoking. Sometimes I was somehow more addicted to rituals around the smoking than I was to the smoking itself.

My will power has never been anything to brag about - if I can do it, you can do it. Just make up your mind and do it.
4pse's Avatar
  • 4pse
  • 02-12-2011, 11:23 AM

Very relevent topic for myself. I have been a life long smoker since my early 20's. I have always had the desire to quit; but unfortunately I have not had any success. I think that I have tried just about everything to quit. I had never heard of this product. Thus I am eager to try it. Thank you to the poster who started the thread.
Yerassman's Avatar
They are another tool to use to beat the damn cigarettes, when I started (1965) everybody smoked, absolutley everybody. Little did I know that fateful day I started a life long addiction. It was uncomfortable to be in meeting and not be able to fully concentrate on the topic because of the cravings. Now I sit in, with my little pouch in place, get more from the meeting and add my thoughts on topics i may not have before.
Yerassman's Avatar
Its just switching one bad habit to another. Bad idea.

Although your age I see your point and how it helps kick the ciggs. I'd probably do the same thing lol.

For someone younger I dont suggest this at all.

You have to remember its not all about the addiction, there are oral fixations and psych issues to deal with as well with quitting smoking. I have to deal with this myself. Originally Posted by LynnPL

I agree for most people, maybe younger, cold turkey is best.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
I am very sorry you lost your sister to lung cancer. I lost my stepfather to throat cancer so I can totally relate to the wake up call. I smoked for 25 years and never thought I would quit smoking cigarettes but I did about 6 months ago. I switched to the e-cigs (electronic cigarettes) and don't miss the real ones at all. It was very easy for me to make the switch and I was a hardcore smoker. Believe me, if I can do it anyone can. I am still addicted to nicotine but at least I'm not getting all of the poison and crap I was getting from smoking tobacco. I'm also saving a lot of money. I used to spend about $300 a month. After the initial cost ($67) I now spend about $20. There are many types on the market but I use the eGo! brand and buy them from
Yerassman's Avatar
Tiffany, great information. It is nice to get a non-solicited, non-paid, real life endorsement on the elec. cigs. I would think allot of people, males and females alike would take this route. Congrats on kicking the cigs, changing the delivery system is at least a step in the right direction towards maybe one day nicotine free. I think it is the most powerful drug on the planet.
I am very happy with all the input that has been posted here, valuable information for those struggling with nicotine addiction. A big thanks to all.
Yea.. I have smoked for a while - 20+ years... Really dont like it... Had bronchitis and sinusitis two weeks ago and havent smoked since.. Well, one or two drags but under 1 cigarette in over two weeks. Thats good for me. I can already tell the difference. I like the 420 too but have wrecked my lungs for so long. I do excersize regularly tho, with a lot of cardio, if that makes any difference.

I want to not hear any rattle when I breathe. I want to feel my lungs full of cool air like I did when I was a kid. It mught even help my hard ons !