Since joining...

Bomb Pop's Avatar
Since joining the boards things in my life have been looking up. I'm having fun with the ladies, commenting on subjects (which I never do on sites) and I've even gotten a raise at work. (better attitude they said, hmmm wonder why?)

Just sayin, the Hobby is treating me well.
Nice! Wish I could get a raise! So many ladies, not enough $$$!
ScubaBad's Avatar
Congrats on the raise Meat. Happiness, however it comes, shows up in our attitude and in the way we treat ourselves and others.
Mr Meat..... we should have another therapy session... gotta maintain that happiness. Imagine after a round two.... u may just win the lottery!! LOL!!!

I think scuba hit it on the head tho...happiness shows in attitude. I cant think of anyone that is attracted to a debbie downer or a david downer...
thats great! its nice to see someone happy and saying positive things!

I think u should expand your "hobby circle.." if you get my drift
Looking forward to meeting you next week, you luscious Popsicle. If you think the hobby in general has treated you well, wait until I'm done with you . . . (insert evil grin here).


- Jackie

The Fifth Element reference is awesome . . . why change your name?
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Emo, true dat. True dat.

Scuba, thanks man. Who knew a Hobby could do so much???

Lacy, the kilt and claymore are all ready to swing baby!

Angel, is that all I am to you? A piece of Meat (Popsicle) ??? :wink: fyi you'll be in my circle soon enough

Jackie, can't wait for next week. Thought about changing it because its a little weird sometimes telling people your handle. Some people are either freaked out by it, or get the reference. I've thought about a "name" to go by, I'll run it by ya when we meet. You are one of the smart ones for knowing my handle right away.
Glad the hobby lifestyle suits you.
Keep up the good work.
I had a nibble of that (big) Popsicle just today ladies, he's a GREAT client! We moved our time to today as he was flexible, and I had a guy that thought he was made of sugar and couldn't come out in the rain this afternoon for fear he was going to melt . . . So, the other guy's loss was the Popsicle's gain . . . I just had to get a taste and see what all the fuss was about. He left me very well pleasured and as for the state I left him in, well, let's say I found that Popsicle had a nice creamy center, multiple times.


He's one of the good ones!


- Jackie
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Well I will say that Jackie has the DEVIL-INside thanks for the fun today
You are a ture sweet heart, and can't wait to play with you again
you are a great man...have fun and stay sweet...
Hey you havent met me yet lol sounds like eccie was a good luck charm for you
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Well Bailey I'm using Ocam's Razor. when all else has been removed or discounted only the truth is left. Sounds about right for the situation
Ladies one of the best Bomb Pops I know! Lots of fun and a true sweetheart! Have fun with him! I know I do! hehe

Don't ever change!
