Nat's badass...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
That was fun to watch. She's just classically beautiful. The video showed another side of her veneer. My guess is that she's really multifaceted ... plus gorgeous.


My favorite movie of hers is still The Professional. She was 11 years old. And of course Closer is HHHot!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I remember that film! I liked the actor, Renee something? I'm so out of touch with current films, though. I'll have to check out "Closer".

awl4knot's Avatar
I remember that film! I liked the actor, Renee something? I'm so out of touch with current films, though. I'll have to check out "Closer".

EW Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I remember Clive Owen (cool) and Jude Law (not). How did an Israeli born Harvard chick with great cheekbones become fetish material? It's not like she's Jodie Foster.
That was fun to watch. She's just classically beautiful. The video showed another side of her veneer. My guess is that she's really multifaceted ... plus gorgeous.


EW Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

This is very interesting - and the Profession - one of my all time favorite movies.....

stugots's Avatar
I remember that film! I liked the actor, Renee something? I'm so out of touch with current films, though. I'll have to check out "Closer".

EW Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

The actor is Jean Reno, and she is a hottie!!!

Here is the trailer for The Professional!