Rubber Ducky Bondage

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Elisabeth, dear!

A friend (friendette, actually) who knew of my affection for you mentioned recently that you were the moderator of this forum. That has a lot of appeal for me. Bright, witty, articulate, and savvy threads, with La Elisabeth in charge -- just what the doctor ordered.

With your kind permission I’d like to participate from time to time. And I have a couple friendettes that I’d like to introduce to your forum.

(and his bondage rubber ducky…)
missi hart's Avatar
i guess the little ducky is "down" with bondage
You owe me a key board monk!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Monk! Gosh, I thought that you knew.

I also thought that you had posted in this forum a long time ago with some pictures. I would LOVE to have you contribute anytime, and with anyone!, that you please.

As far as that naughty rubber ducky, it had me looking on Amazon for one ... I want to get one!

It's so nice to see you posting here.

Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin

I think Sesame Street should switch [to] this ducky.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I think Ms. Elisabeth needs one of those rubber duckies like NOW.
  • thx
  • 06-27-2010, 09:30 PM
Ducky need to have his little quacker whupped....

SlowHand49's Avatar
The ball gag in the beak is a nice touch . . . *L*
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The ball gag in the beak is a nice touch . . . *L* Originally Posted by SlowHand49
It's all in the details, isn't it?

SlowHand49's Avatar
It's all definitely in de tails . . .