For those of you who've asked & those who will... :)

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Please accept my apologies for not announcing that I DID NOT move to Houston sooner. Things weren't happening quickly enough there in regard to locating a residence & suddenly, my support system here picked up! I was already missing my kiddos after only 10 days out of town house hunting, so am very glad to now be only a few blocks from them and back in south Austin where I started my hobby career.

Also, I've had several past clients contact me who were still unaware of my current "condition". Yes, I am now 36 weeks pregnant and due on 03/21 - just before my 44th birthday. Imagine that! LOL No, this wasn't planned but rather the product of being denied further 'scrips for my birth control pending a mammogram {EEK!!! I just think about it & think "modern-day torture!!!} Before you offer me baby clothes & items, I must share that my baby boy will be placed w/ an adoptive family who have been anxiously awaiting their opportunity to raise a child as their own. It's actually very exciting & my teens are looking forward to assisting me with choosing a couple.

As you can imagine, this life-changing event has been very thought provoking and certainly motivated me to look at my life & consider new long-term goals in regard to career and lifestyle choices. When I first announced this event in my life, my stance was that I was NOT retiring - merely slowing down. Yes, I love being an "intimacy counselor" of sorts and feel it suits me nicely. However, I also enjoy singing, decorating, and psychology, so... with that said, my earlier notice that I would not be seeing new clients still holds true.

I will make exceptions for those I've met previously at socials, gents referred by current clientele, or those who write me a sincere personal intro and include verifiable references. I've been touched by a few who've contacted me in this last context regretting missed opportunities and by some who have expressed their admiration for a sexy pregnant woman and wish to pamper me. How can I refuse such a lovely request??? It's wonderfully good timing for pampering after all the moving & trying to get settled in!!! Believe me!! LOL

Thank you to all the gentlemen out there who appreciate the toll on a woman's body, mind & psyche during pregnancy. You da best!!!

Thanks also to the ladies & gents who've been very supportive and helped me with my move via monetary contributions, packing/moving assistance, grocery trips and good old-fashioned moral support. As always, things are working out despite the adversity.

Love ya'!!!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Things happen for a reason and seem to work them selfs out.....
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Appreciate the note. Best of luck in your life.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Godspeed to you and of course to baby. I'm in your area Tu-Fri if you need a ride to the grocery store, call me.
Best of luck to ya lady! I'm glad to hear that everything is working its self out for you. I am also happy to hear that you will be blessing a loving family with a special bundle of joy!
Texasquest's Avatar
tipping my hat to you KAt. That is a remarkable gift your bestowing upon someone. is a decision not easily made but truly appreciated.. And best of Luck to you in your future Endeavor..
Your such a good momma! I know the couple who gets your baby will really be blessed. And I so agree... Hats off to the guys who appreciate and understand the toll our bodies take by carrying a baby. Emotionally and physically. Everything does not go right back to the way it was pre pregnancy! Some things never will... Stretch marks for example, nothing can be done for them other than creams and such, unless you have the bank rolls for surgery lol. But I know pregnancy always makes me super horny.... Well I just stay that way lol. Congrats again girl.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Thanks everyone... I am starting to feel a little cumbersome but my spirits are high, health is great, and the end is nigh!

Dagny... Thanks for the ride to the grocery store today! I made the carnitas & some spanish rice from scratch w/ the doors open & the wind blowing through... It was a very pleasant evening. I hope your event was lovely as well.

AuburnAngel... After reading your sweet post & seeing your avatar, I have to say I have been noticing my right nipple being sticky off & on the past few days. Normally, I don't lactate till after birth but as they say... every pregnancy is different. I am soooo not looking f/w to "drying up" or being pumped as one friend keeps threatening to do! LOL Anyway, so far the baby hasn't expanded beyond my past birth's but then again... His daddy was almost 10 lbs & 24" long when he was born. *gulp* My largest so far was 9 lbs 2 oz & 21". I'm skeered!!!

Have a good evening...