4 hands on the west side?

Anybody know if there's a 4 hands location on the west side? Sounds like I know of two on the south side, but that's a heck of a drive for me. Relaxasian will do 4 hands but no HE, so that's kinda pointless.
West side of what? There’s a section of KC called the West Side. Or do you mean Kansas?
SmallWonder's Avatar
You could probably get the job done at Star, and possibly Sun if they have two working when you go in. I haven’t done that, but would be surprised if it’s no available.
ICTguy32's Avatar
I think the OP is referring to the West Side of Wichita. Common place for folks who live here to refer to simply the east side or west side
JackOneil's Avatar
For most shops 4 hands are not a drop in service. Some advertise it, but require an appointment because they can make an arrangement for an extra worker for the 4 hand appointment. I’d also call first to not waste a trip anywhere.