Goodbye Eccie

I’ve decided to leave ECCIE because I’m just fed up with it all. I had to cancel my appointments for today because I was very sick and at the doctor for an emergency visit. I could barely walk, let alone see clients.

You would think that people would care that a girl they want to see intimately is very sick and not be a complete asshole to her for cancelling. I’m not just talking about guys I haven’t seen before but one of them who gets on here saying how great I am all the time. I guess any time guys post about their favorite providers they are hoping it will get them preferential treatment. I told the guy I don’t buy reviews or support.

This is not the only reason I am leaving. I’ve also been fed up with people who think my pictures aren’t me because I airbrush out my tattoos. Umm I blur my face. Do you think I would leave my tattoos showing that identify me as much as my face? I’ve seen a girl on here who blurred her face and I instantly knew who she was because of a scar on her leg. Sorry guys but us providers who blur our faces do so for a reason, we value privacy as much as you guys do.

I know that you guys get pissed off about NCNS or cancellations. But guess what- We have lives too. 50percent of my appts cancel after scheduling and 25percent no show without canceling. I am constantly juggling appointments around I spend as much time scheduling and rescheduling as I do seeing clients. I have a chronic illness (don’t worry guys, its genetic so you can’t catch it. Since that’s the only reason you’d care) so I am sick a whole lot of the time. I have to cancel appointments at least one day a week because I am too ill to see people. But when I cancel I get threatening emails from clients (not just this time either, it happens often).

I’m done dealing with it. There are some of you guys that don’t fall into this category but I’ll never know who you are because a lot of guys seem nice until they are the ones that start threatening you. For the assholes out there- Fuck you. For the guys who act like decent human beings but its all a façade- Fuck you even more. For the few decent guys out there- I wish I had known more of you and never had to deal with the assholes. I truly did enjoy my time with you.

Mods please disable my account.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hopefully, you'll re-consider your decision once you're better and feeling more like yourself. Being ill can make one anxious and short-tempered. It's always unfortunate when you're not treated as well as you treat others. If you're truly gone, goodbye and good luck.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Good luck Katie. Dealing with a disease sucks as I am dealing with it now as well. Never got to see you, but I do wish you the very best.
  • Josh
  • 01-06-2011, 04:05 PM
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hopefully, you'll re-consider your decision once you're better and feeling more like yourself. Being ill can make one anxious and short-tempered. It's always unfortunate when you're not treated as well as you treat others. If you're truly gone, goodbye and good luck. Originally Posted by txcwby6
+1. Everyone (hobbyists & providers alike) should treat each other with common decency. Yes, the golden rule still applies here.

Katie, Regardless of your decision on whether to continue here or not, I hope that you are able to resume a happy, healthy life. Best of luck to you.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Get well soon and the best of luck to you.
I hope your health improves, regardless of which way you choose to go, good luck.

For the membership reading, there is no way to know all the details behind the scenes.

This post was done by Katie @ 4:37 and the Review posted later at 5:15

Review: Katie Foxx...NCNS...and the drama continues.
Ok, I'll say what everyone is thinking. Your post seems to be that of an author who is fairly healthy. People who can barely walk don't tend to post lengthy, well-thought out posts. If I'm wrong, I apologize.
dodger's Avatar
If you hobby for any period of time ... you will have cancellations or postponements. Works both ways ... I've had two cancellations when the provider's child was sick. One got rescheduled (it was great), the other never did. Stuff happens and we all understand that. Maybe it's that we guys really look forward to these session ... the disappointment can be very frustrating. Even so ... we should be able to deal with that any number of ways.

By the same token, I was on my way to a session when I got a phone call that someone in the family had a medical emergency and I was needed immediately. I called the provider, Syiera Pink, and she was very gracious. We were able to reschedule about a week later. SP could not have been nicer or more gracious, and provided a wonderful session. Lovely lady.

This week a similar thing happened and the provider was able to move my appointment about 90 minutes later. Not always possible to do, and she's shares the incall, which makes postponing or rescheduling an adventure. And there is the occasional "caught in traffic, be there soon", but that's been the worst I've had to deal with. I admit .. when I'm selecting a lady, I pay as much attention to TCB skills as anything else.

Katie ... I've never met you ... you have a great reputation as a beautiful woman with wonderful BCD skills. So, I hope the dust settles and things calm down and you reconsider.

As others have said, if you need to push on ... best of luck.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I don't know Katie, but now I'd like to after reading her very well-written post. Any girl who writes 'facade' as 'façade' is A-okay in my book. Could a girl who looks like that also be a brainiac? So don't leave us, girl! We promise to place nice!
I am sorry girl. I also experienced what you are now going through. And if it helps, so have every other provider here. IF it were easy baby girl... everybody would do it, and we would damn sure all have an outrageous donation Keep your head up an take a hobby break. Find happiness within yourself again, and remind yourself that your worth it. You dont need those clients in your life anyways, and their doing you a favor by showing you their true colors.I know I am not a well known provider who has been through years of experience, and I damn sure aint perfect.. BUT do suggest a lil "you" time. There are people out here in the hobby who want to test you, and see how vulnerable you can become. You have to be stronger, wiser, and sometimes better then alot of people you will meet. I think your a beautiful young lady, and like you, I also use to wear my hobby heart on my sleeve. Its time to retire your hobby heart, not your heart in the hobby. UNLESS, you would honestly quit even if it was great for you right now. If you retire due to the reasons your stating above, you already gave up yourself. This hobby has a lot of great benifits when you know how to #1 Notice them #2 Take advantage. Cause girl I can honestly say their are plenty of girls out there who would take all that trouble plus more just to be at the level providers like us are.

*IF people are talking about how your pics are not you, and they constantly are trying to bring you down and say comments everytime they can? They are doing you a favor in more then one way. The rich and famous Jerry Jones even said that there is no such thing as bad publicity. So if the cowboys are in the news after a horrble game and their getting bashed left and right... GUESS WHAT? They are still in the news So try to find the good in this... and come out like a good provider should. ON TOP !

Keep your head up... and remember if it aint you they are trying to tear down... it is somebody else.

Hope I helped.

It's all bullshit from her (actually her pimp). More details from me to follow tomorrow. Good riddance.
Wow... Prolongus is probably a pimp posing as a john... how do you like those accusations? Easy isnt it? A Mouth Will Say Anything!! WOW!! GET A LIFE!!
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Brooke, smaller font is available.

ShysterJon's Avatar
I was hoping this thread would have replies like, "Glad to have known you, sorry you're leaving," or "Never met you, sorry you're leaving," or "Met you, glad you're leaving." Haha. I'd be disappointed if all that's posted here is "Katie is a saint, Prolongus is the devil" or "Prologus is a saint, Katie is the devil."
Best wishes.