That dang "donation"

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  • L.A.
  • 02-08-2012, 12:19 PM

In response to an alert by Amber it got me to thinking (shut happens sometimes). The alert summary is that a client with P411 oks shows up, leaves after 5 minutes with no activities occuring and no money exchanged.

I never ask for the money up front. Most just place it down and some wait til the end. My common courtesy is genuinely appreciated I think by most which is why I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many repeat clients. For that, I'm thankful that my attitude shows with a great smile attached to it. I'm always polite to everyone and dont ever want anyone to feel like they are JUST money to me. I know for some girls, it's money up front on demand, but, that's just not the way I work. To me, when they do it up front... GREAT... but, if they don't... sure, I'm taking a big risk... but I do feel like most are great guys on here and will not cheat me.

I've been on here for over a year... and believe this to be my first alert ever about this subject.

So, I must be doing something right. Originally Posted by Amber Rain

Yes...I for one appreciate that kind of go with the flow attitude about WHEN the business end of the arrangement is handled. Unless I'm about to walk out the door without leaving the money there is no need to even bring it up. This of course has everything to do with good screening. I really don't recall any provider I've seen since 2001 even remotely bringing up the topic of money outside of our initial agreement and I think that has to do with MY screeening. Typically a guy with 10 oks on P411 and has a few reviews on here is not gonna spend and hour with an ECCIE provider and then not leave the donation....TYPICALLY. I know I wouldn't risk my P411 status or my board status (not so active here anymore but on aspd had 1000 posts and 150 reviews lol). And like Amber said if that did happen (which it hasn't) they are out of an hours donation, will post an alert, and move on. I know if I met a provider in a hotel lobby and she needed some upfront money to get the room I would have NO problem giving her the full amount then and there. What's she gonna do get in her car and leave? so what? I'm out a couple of bills and would post and alert but I would do the same thing with the next provider because I choose to trust the people I plan on spending time with. If I can't trust them with that why would I trust them BCD? I'm just not gonna hobby that way.

Now having said all that garbage leads me to this.
This particular situation is unique and I don't remember seeing it mentioned on here before where a screened client with OKs shows up and then leaves after 5 minutes. I'm just curious for all you "money up front" girls what you would have done had he paid the full one hour fee and then bailed for whatever reason. Amber I know you don't "demand" the fee up front but what would you have done had he paid the full hour fee then left after a few minutes with no BCD activities?

I think that's the most I've typed on ECCIE in a single post outside of a review.
Only because I'm extremely honest as a provider. Probably ONE of the MOST genuine you will ever meet on here face to face. I would've simply asked for him to repay me for my sitter's fee of 50 bucks to make our appointment time happen.

I have even when running a special during a week... called a gentleman right AFTER he leaves... to tell him to come back and get some money if he overpaid me or paid me FULL rate. Most of the time, they say, "NO, don't worry about it." "You were worth every penny." I'm just that way. I don't take advantage of people at all.

I even, just last week, called a single hobbyist that I get along with very well to go out to dinner OTC. I called HIM. We went to dinner. We had drinks and great food and I paid. Some girls do that just to get a FREE meal out of hobbyist. I personally enjoy quality time and conversation. Grant it, he refused to let me pay. Asked me to take my money back and I said, "NO! I called YOU for dinner. Not to come take me out and pay for dinner." He still refused. So, I said, "Well, then the waitress is going to get an 87.00 dollar tip because I'm not picking my money back up." LOL. I grabbed my to go box... and got up and started walking away.

He was really appreciative of my kind gesture and yes, I made it back up threefold the next day, because he came to have a session with me to say "thank you."

So, I'm not on here to get over on anyone, break someone's bank, and I like to pride myself on being the not so typical provider. I'm sweet, caring, and love to have and create great times with all gentleman. The fact of my situation, was he was nervous. Not me. He didn't even give me a chance to do anything to ease his mind. Maybe he wasn't into me. Maybe I intimidated him. Maybe he had just had a stressful day. Maybe... maybe ...maybe... who knows. But, regardless of it, he was still here in my apartment on my bed. My sitter was being paid upstairs to care for my kiddos for an hour. So, yes, I should've been offered something. I would've given him a great referral either way. Now, I can't do that.

Point to end...
If he would've paid full rate and couldn't rise to the occasion, and still left in 5 minutes.... he would've gotten all but my sitter's fee back. That would be the proper thing to do in my humble opinion. As for some other girls, I'm sure that they would keep all of it. But, like I have said before, I'm not the average provider and it shows.