Deviance in the Dark

So I was watching some science of sex thing on the Sci Fi channel tonight (lol). Actually I just caught the tail end, and I think it had something to do with a newer study that compared to the Kinsey studies of the 70's. Anyhow, at the end, they showed this bit where they put a group of people in a pitch black room for 90 minutes and told them that there weren't any rules (if there were any safety issues, they would stop immediately). They put in infrared cameras without telling the subjects and observed what happened. In the Kinsey study, within 45 minutes, touching and eventual sexual activity occurred. In the current study, nothing happened, but we'll leave that discussion for another day.

So I was thinking, I'm always up for trying new things and this sounded like a hot idea. Would anyone be game for something like this? Obviously you'd have someone set it up to have people be screened, etc. But say, secure a location, set it up so that it's pitch black inside, and have the people go into the room for 90 minutes (or 60, whatever) and see what happens. You could set any rules you'd want, i.e. no guy/guy touching, but swapping would be fair game. To me, I think it'd be pretty damn hot. You'd have to rely move on the lesser relied upon senses, i.e. touch, feel, taste, rather than sight. Maybe it's a completely dumb idea, but just thought I'd throw it out there for shits n giggles.
pyramider's Avatar
What could possibly go wrong?
What could possibly go wrong? Originally Posted by pyramider
haha, it was just an idea!
skydiver, I saw the same show. The entire show was actually pretty interesting; however, during the recreation of Deviance in the Dark, I was thinking the same thing as you! I really wanted to participants to have the same effects as when the original study was done in the 70s.