whats the proper thing to do...

knotty man's Avatar
recently on my personal FB. a couple of providers have come up on my friends suggestion ( i know this was covered in an earlier thread).
my question is. What should i do about it? by that , i mean. should i let the lady know that i can see stuff she never intended for the guys of this world to see (and yes, curiosity got the best of me and i looked, sorry). or, should i pretend that i never saw it?.
i would really love to hear the lady's opinions. since its their info being outted. and to satisfy any curiosity. its only a few ladies that i have seen before. if ive never seen you then your safe. so any ladies whose FB name begins with an A or a D or V. you may want to know.
hope im not stirrin up a hornets nest!
If it were me I'd want to know but don't get in touch via FB or anything non-hobby since some people share their FB password with their SO's etc. and that could get messy. I'd definitely want to know though.
knotty man's Avatar
i would most definitely let her know thru pm's on here, no where else. but would it make her uncomfortable knowing that ive had a glimpse into her private world.and how would this affect any future play time? i certainly dont wanna make any lady feel uneasy when were together, albeit inadverently
GneissGuy's Avatar
Facebook steals your personal information any time you give it the chance. If you install facebook apps, it will steal every contact stored in your smartphone. When you try to add a new friend via an e-mail address, it tries to get you to let it access your address book so it can steal the e-mail addresses. If you're logged into facebook, it will try to gather info about what other web sites you access. If you go to certain "partners" like certain yahoo web pages, it will try to get you to share your yahoo address book with facebook.

Yet another reason to have a hobby phone. And to be very careful separating your hobby and personal e-mail and PC.

Facebook is so insidious that even if you're pretty careful, it will leak info about you.
BonerJams03's Avatar
This is part of why I no longer use social networks. I have an email address and a phone.
yep happened to me too, suggested friends and then when I clicked on them 2 local providers real FB page.. ay carrumba!!!! I deleted that email and never used it again on FB
GneissGuy's Avatar
Facebook is extra evil. Even if you don't use facebook, some dumb lady can unintentionally out what she knows about you in terms of e-mail accounts and real names when FB steals her contact info.

"Ralph E. Boye" and RalpheyBoy@xyzmail.com could easily pop up as facebook contacts for Typhoid Mary without you having done anything.

Don't let your hobby contacts get real world info.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I for one would appricate a pm to let me know...I am almost positive mine is very private but you never know
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
Had both Marley and Klovve show up in my possible contacts. So weird.
  • Booth
  • 10-21-2011, 07:19 PM
Had both Marley and Klovve show up in my possible contacts. So weird. Originally Posted by Takeshi Miike
Great. Now you probably have half the guys on this board looking for them on FB. Was that really necessary?
OK, equal time for the Devil's Advocate.

The ladies in question CHOSE to put that data out there in public view. They KNEW that anyone who happened to wander through might see it. They took that risk.
I'm sure the ladies would appreciate a heads up on all their personal info expossed...I'm sure for reasons of safety from that info getting in the wrong hands.
I would want to know. When it did happen I notified the gentleman privately here to let then know. Just so they could CYA.

FB is sneaky...once they have the info there is no going back.
Man that would suck! I would def want to know for sure!
~glad my name isnt with A,D or V!
I am curious here....my FB settings are extremely private. My profile doesn't even populate under a search; are you saying that the FB app pulls info from all email accounts I have pushed to my iPhone? Disturbing.