Why is it that Bare Backing should bother us? especially if we as individuals practice Safe Sex.....

Whispers's Avatar
What... A half dozen threads on the subject?

No real honest or frank discussion occurring.

Lots of Spin....

is he?

Is she?

Why should it bother us?

Frankly.... I worry a hell of a lot more about Chlamydia and Gonorrhea than I do about HIV.... They are MUCH more common and far easier to come across...

I engage in BB with the lady in my life on a and I would hate to be in the position of bringing something home to her....

Some of you I think forget how easy it can be to pick up one of those....

Read some reviews and it is scary at times......

For example......... Sally gets EXTREMELY wet...... You let her saddle up cowgirl and you could end up soaked in her juices from navel to your thighs..... Jr may be wrapped and protected but what about afterwards?

How many guys are laying there sated and basking in that afterglow when the lady removes the cover and tosses it away in a tissue?

Noone jumps up and runs to the shower to cleanup BEFORE removing the cover.....

So there is a freshly uncovered JR lying in the moisture she generated on your thighs.....

You don't think it happens?

ya know.... If you could accept that it does and let those conversations occur..... you would defuse all the malicious intent they are carried out with....

Is having your name on a list the kiss of death business wise?

Not hardly.... It's pretty well stated that a lot of business comes from sources that do not read ECCIE.....

MOST of OUR society would classify ANY of us as engaging in activities far too dangerous to be acceptable....

Why do WE... that accept THAT level of risk allow this subject such overwhelming power over what we do and think?

The more information presented...... The more that a guy can make an informed decision.
I agree with you on most of this Whispers. The truth is hobbying is risky , you accept that risk every time you pick up the phone. You are the only one responsible for yourself, so you better be the one looking out for yourself. With this knowledge of the risk , you had best treat every experience as potentially being dangerous and act accordingly !
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
The margin of error with safe sex probably has something to do with it. If people are out there BB and bringing even more disease into our bedrooms then those times the condoms DO break, exposure is more likely than it really has to be.

That being said, you just have to figure out what level of risk you're comfortable with and hobby accordingly. And provide accordingly as well. And while we're at it, not dump all over girls who DON'T offer uncovered services - because really, they have every right to evaluate and judge what they are comfortable with.
GneissGuy's Avatar
The risk of getting HIV from BBFS is a lot higher than getting it from any of the scenarios you mention. Junior flopping around actually inside the vagina is exposed to so much more quantity of juice and mechanical action than any of the other exposure methods you mention.

Yes, there is a risk, but it's much smaller. It's like sharing a toothbrush with a flu victim vs. touching the same doorknob.

Those who do bareback increase the risk for all of us by spreading the disease in the community.

However, I don't personally get that concerned about someone posting about barebacking. I assume a lot of it goes on, even if no one mentions it.
When a man ejaculates his sperm is going 30mph.

A woman on the other hand is catching all fluids.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Are talking about BB'ing in the hobby world, in the civie world or both?
Whispers's Avatar
Are talking about BB'ing in the hobby world, in the civie world or both? Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke

BBing here.... in this world.....

It happens... more than anyone wants to admit.... but as a group people seem to let it have so much power and control over the,,,,, Posting the list.... accepting that it happens and moving on seems like it would diffuse the the ability of a few to stir the shit up so much....
monev's Avatar
  • monev
  • 05-16-2012, 12:38 PM
I assume every person I see is doing bb with someone so I need to be careful. Whether it's a SO, another hobbyist etc.... In both my civie and hobbying relationships I assume this and accept it and see no reason to talk it too death. People are going to bb, it's just gonna happen so why fret over it. I either accept this fact and hobby or I let it freak me out so I only rub it out.
monev's Avatar
  • monev
  • 05-16-2012, 12:40 PM
When a man ejaculates his sperm is going 30mph.

A woman on the other hand is catching all fluids. Originally Posted by Artist Formally Known As
I read something about that recently. I tried to get a speed on mine using one of those baseball mile per hour guns but I just couldn't get it to work. It's like you have to shoot it across the room to get a good read.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Only thing we have control and reasonable expectation over is our own behavior.

As many have already mentioned, you cannot guess who has how many partners or how many BB sessions they are having. To think that any amount of "research" or precautions would keep one safe from risks is silly. All the conjecture, rumors, lists, and debates going on about it accomplish nothing.

While the reasoning that we can try to reduce the risk by avoiding those who are "known" to be engaging in BB is fair, I'm afraid that it may be putting blinders on those who believe they are reducing their risk. Fact is, BB happens - much more than many of us think or seems from the denials seen here. I don't doubt that some on the BB list do not engage in it. Some may have been put there by pissed off providers or clients looking to harm reputation. However, the amount of traffic generated by the threads on the topic here, amount of traffic on websites, ads and groups touting BB information tells us that there are many who do participate. Even with every provider here never engaging in BB sessions, and every John here refusing to go BB, between the guys (with no ECCIE prsence) who see providers from ECCIE as well as BP and other sources and providers who see guys from ECCIE and other advertising medium with no ECCIE presence, the exposure to risk would hardly change.

So it goes back to the original point of this post. We have control over what we do and our own behavior. We cover up or leave the hobby. Even when we cover up, we should know that there is a good chance that our partner may have engaged in BB sessions or may have had exposure to someone who has had BB sessions. Those are the risks we can mitigate and be aware of. No other.

On the other hand, allowing ourselves the illusion that talking about it and allowing a few individuals to throw accusations around and demanding those accused to answer for their alleged actions will somehow keep us safer only creates a witch hunt. Look at the number of threads Still Looking has had to answer in the recent weeks. From what I can see, it stemmed from one provider being pissed off at a bad review and trying to take revenge. What did it accomplish? Sure, some have mentioned that someone with SL's apparent means and time could bring havoc if he were swinging his BB dick at every provider who returns his PM, and since he seems to have the wallet to pay for what he wants, why not BB sessions? Truth is, SL is one of many. He just happens to be the most visible one. For every Still Looking, there are 10 others who really may be willing to pay to make every one of their sessions BB and not write a review on ECCIE about it, ever, or anywhere else. If you think you mitigate risks by trying to label those who post, you are forgetting the great number who only lurk or don't even know of this site. That's who you should really worry about. That's who present the most risk. That's who you have no control over.
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 05-16-2012, 02:38 PM
We have control over what we do and our own behavior. We cover up or leave the hobby. Even when we cover up, we should know that there is a good chance that our partner may have engaged in BB sessions or may have had exposure to someone who has had BB sessions. Those are the risks we can mitigate and be aware of. No other. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Well said in general but this is the point that bears repeating. We are in a hobby that is dishonest by definition. Even if you are single and not particularly deceitful on your side of the equation (which is rare) the key word in the phrase "illusion of passion" is the first. Given that, you have to assume that your partner engages in risky sexual behavior (and, to be frank, sex with multiple partners a week qualifies) and act accordingly. BB sessions are self-destructive. Sadly, quite a few people in our hobby, men and women both, are self-destructive.
Whispers's Avatar
Sadly, quite a few people in our hobby, men and women both, are self-destructive. Originally Posted by Qziz
No question about that! Well Said.
Still Looking's Avatar
Only thing we have control and reasonable expectation over is our own behavior.

As many have already mentioned, you cannot guess who has how many partners or how many BB sessions they are having. To think that any amount of "research" or precautions would keep one safe from risks is silly. All the conjecture, rumors, lists, and debates going on about it accomplish nothing.

While the reasoning that we can try to reduce the risk by avoiding those who are "known" to be engaging in BB is fair, I'm afraid that it may be putting blinders on those who believe they are reducing their risk. Fact is, BB happens - much more than many of us think or seems from the denials seen here. I don't doubt that some on the BB list do not engage in it. Some may have been put there by pissed off providers or clients looking to harm reputation. However, the amount of traffic generated by the threads on the topic here, amount of traffic on websites, ads and groups touting BB information tells us that there are many who do participate. Even with every provider here never engaging in BB sessions, and every John here refusing to go BB, between the guys (with no ECCIE prsence) who see providers from ECCIE as well as BP and other sources and providers who see guys from ECCIE and other advertising medium with no ECCIE presence, the exposure to risk would hardly change.

So it goes back to the original point of this post. We have control over what we do and our own behavior. We cover up or leave the hobby. Even when we cover up, we should know that there is a good chance that our partner may have engaged in BB sessions or may have had exposure to someone who has had BB sessions. Those are the risks we can mitigate and be aware of. No other.

On the other hand, allowing ourselves the illusion that talking about it and allowing a few individuals to throw accusations around and demanding those accused to answer for their alleged actions will somehow keep us safer only creates a witch hunt. Look at the number of threads Still Looking has had to answer in the recent weeks. From what I can see, it stemmed from one provider being pissed off at a bad review and trying to take revenge. What did it accomplish? Sure, some have mentioned that someone with SL's apparent means and time could bring havoc if he were swinging his BB dick at every provider who returns his PM, and since he seems to have the wallet to pay for what he wants, why not BB sessions? Truth is, SL is one of many. He just happens to be the most visible one. For every Still Looking, there are 10 others who really may be willing to pay to make every one of their sessions BB and not write a review on ECCIE about it, ever, or anywhere else. If you think you mitigate risks by trying to label those who post, you are forgetting the great number who only lurk or don't even know of this site. That's who you should really worry about. That's who present the most risk. That's who you have no control over. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Very well written sir! Any intelligent person knows I have no way to defend myself other than telling the truth. For some that works for others it does not.

But then there’s those two mystery ladies.... and they're convinced. Not sure what to do about them.
BBFS is the only way! Ladies get in touch for bareback action.
Still Looking's Avatar
BBFS is the only way! Ladies get in touch for bareback action. Originally Posted by Dr. Pecker
And you they believe! Go figure!