Dr. Ben Carson throws his hat in the ring.

boardman's Avatar

I haven't started vetting anyone really but I do like a lot of his message.
I do know that he supports a tax system in which everyone contributes.
He first gained notoriety for attacking political correctness.

He is a religious man and I don't have any problem with that as long as he keeps that out of the political spectrum. I don't know if a truly religious politician can separate the two.

Let me restate that. Maybe a truly religious person can separate the two but someone that runs on religion probably can't.

If he wants to get on his knees every morning and ask for guidance then good for him. If you're not religious call it meditation or introspection. Again, I don't have a problem with it as long as he's attacking the nations problems from a practical standpoint and not trying to inject his God into our lives.

A medical doctor that has been as successful as he is probably can separate his personal life from his professional one better than most.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-07-2014, 09:08 AM
I agree with you that a religious person CAN separate their religion from their governing, but the more they tell me how religious they are, and the more they tell me it is WHY I should vote for them, the less I believe they can separate the two.

But on a more important point, isn't 16 years of a president who had NO international experience bad enough? How many times do we need to keep electing people who are rank amateurs in most important aspect of being president, actually dealing in a sane way with other countries? Separating conjoined twins is good, noble work, praise the Lord! It has as much to do with dealing with Russia, Syria, and North Korea as hitting a 100 mph fastball does. It should not DISQUALIFY the Dr, but it sure doesn't QUALIFY him.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Not too many Presidents did have "international experience" before they were elected. They get a lot of on-the-job training from those who do.

Ben Carson is a good man. Leadership qualities. Intelligence. People skills.

He'll do just fine.
Like I said in another thread. If he wants to be taken seriously by many in the American Electorate, he best learn how to read a TelePrompter and lie at the same time.

Or figure out a way to be married to Bill Clinton.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 11-07-2014, 10:35 AM
I think it would be a breath of fresh air. Someone who is not a career politician, and has actually had a real job, and excelled at it.
I am willing to listen to what he has to say......

I am clueless what his position is on major issues.....
LexusLover's Avatar
He needs to quit being a guest on Fox.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I agree with you that a religious person CAN separate their religion from their governing, but the more they tell me how religious they are, and the more they tell me it is WHY I should vote for them, the less I believe they can separate the two.

But on a more important point, isn't 16 years of a president who had NO international experience bad enough? How many times do we need to keep electing people who are rank amateurs in most important aspect of being president, actually dealing in a sane way with other countries? Separating conjoined twins is good, noble work, praise the Lord! It has as much to do with dealing with Russia, Syria, and North Korea as hitting a 100 mph fastball does. It should not DISQUALIFY the Dr, but it sure doesn't QUALIFY him. Originally Posted by Old-T
Of course you talking about Obama and Clinton right? Or do you just want to admit now that the only president with any international experience was George H. W. Bush. International experience is why we have a Secretary of State, ambassadors, and military specialists. The SoS is a generalist, the ambassador has specific knowledge of each country (or should), and the colonel running that department is an expert on the capabilites of their country of interest.
Like I said in another thread. If he wants to be taken seriously by many in the American Electorate, he best learn how to read a TelePrompter and lie at the same time.

Or figure out a way to be married to Bill Clinton. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Are you calling Ike on a lie?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

I haven't started vetting anyone really but I do like a lot of his message.
I do know that he supports a tax system in which everyone contributes.
He first gained notoriety for attacking political correctness.

He is a religious man and I don't have any problem with that as long as he keeps that out of the political spectrum. I don't know if a truly religious politician can separate the two.

Let me restate that. Maybe a truly religious person can separate the two but someone that runs on religion probably can't.

If he wants to get on his knees every morning and ask for guidance then good for him. If you're not religious call it meditation or introspection. Again, I don't have a problem with it as long as he's attacking the nations problems from a practical standpoint and not trying to inject his God into our lives.

A medical doctor that has been as successful as he is probably can separate his personal life from his professional one better than most. Originally Posted by boardman
OK, so how long before Assup calls him an "Uncle Tom" and a "House Ni####"?
LexusLover's Avatar
OK, so how long before Assup calls him an "Uncle Tom" and a "House Ni####"? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
It will be awhile. It's Friday night at Nau's Drug just outside of Clarksville.

(He's also scrambling to replace his Obamacare Grant.)

Life's a Bitch. Then the Republicans takeover!!!!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
As much as he is liked...I have my doubts if he is a bare knuckles politician.

I'm reminded of Donald Sutherland in the Dirty Dozen after inspecting the troops....

"Damn good looking soldiers.....but can they fight?
LexusLover's Avatar
As much as he is liked...I have my doubts if he is a bare knuckles politician.

I'm reminded of Donald Sutherland in the Dirty Dozen after inspecting the troops....

"Damn good looking soldiers.....but can they fight? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yes, he can.

Have you watched his demeanor when he fields questions?
Keep that token black empty suit educated uncle Tom ass kisser lying ass no good skally wag fake pompous dip shit Manchurian man pleasing skeezer far from the white house . ;-)
As much as he is liked...I have my doubts if he is a bare knuckles politician.

I'm reminded of Donald Sutherland in the Dirty Dozen after inspecting the troops....

"Damn good looking soldiers.....but can they fight? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Good point. Digging around in someone's brain is child's play compared to having the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Colin Powell, and a venomous press accuse you of not being Black enough to follow Barak Obama.

Maybe if DR Carson brushed up on his "getto talk" and started wearing his pants around his ass he would be better suited.

And don't forget. We still have that Grand Jury NoBill coming down in Freguson. He could get in on the riots and add a couple of stolen Flat Screens and a pair of Air Jordan's to his Street Cred Resume'.