Do any other providers agree with me?

82Vinny's Avatar
I've been on Eccie for just a couple months now and have to say that there is a lot of ways for hobbyist to get to know us and our information, but we should have our own page to where we can talk about the hobbyist. Because I believe some providers hate getting calls about "hey have you seen this dude befor and is he cool". Honestly Ladies do you realy even remember? Maybe this is something to think about for us. And if Safety is a BIG Issue we should deffenitely get somethig like this going! Just a thought! Thanks for your time. Or if there are some tricks I don't know about please let me kno Like I said I knew to all this!
shorty's Avatar
You do have some ladies only pages to talk about the hobbyist, from what I gather from the ladies.
London Rayne's Avatar
We DID have a place like it's worse than a TSA screening to get in lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
We DID have a place like it's worse than a TSA screening to get in lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
We DID have a place like it's worse than a TSA screening to get in lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Hey, the only thing worse than that is insert tab A into slut B. If that's the case, I volunteer to be the screener.
London Rayne's Avatar
Hey, the only thing worse than that is insert tab A into slut B. If that's the case, I volunteer to be the screener. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
We DID have a place like it's worse than a TSA screening to get in lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
LMAO!!....I dunno, I have a pretty scary TSA story from the other day....So as some of you know I'm a beautician. So because I do travel to do hair & makeup for photoshoots etc... I usually carry my shears in my handbag. Well I was going through security the other day and after scanning my handbag the guy pulls it out and says, do you have scissors in your purse??....I thought,"Fuck Fuck Fuck!! there goes my $900 shears"....but NO...he pulls them out (mind you these babies are SHARP) and goes " oh, well they aren't longer than 7inches so you can keep them".......WTF???....Of course I was glad they didn't get confiscated, but at the same time all I could think was why in the world would they let people on a plane with shears that sharp when terrorists used bloody boxcuters??....Ok...done with my TSA rant...sorry for the hijack!...carry on...
shorty's Avatar
Now we know how Valerie handles a rude or violent client. SNIP!! SNIP!!
Now we know how Valerie handles a rude or violent client. SNIP!! SNIP!! Originally Posted by shorty
Shhh!! Don't tell everyone ......actually, I cut a lot of my clients hair after our session is over!....My regulars are so damn spoiled...but I wouldn't have it any other way!
shorty's Avatar
Well I guess the clients got an excuse for the SO then. I went an got my hair done and thats why you smell perfume on me, Babe!!LOL
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Guess I'll be letting my hair grow out... lol

But do you have clippers cause I don't think you'll need shears
Unfortunately if the hobbyist doesnt have P411 the next, logical, least time consuming step is for Provider A to call/text/email/PM/send smoke signals to Provider B.

A forum would be just too time consuming posting something and then waiting for a lady to respond, if ever. Actually I absolutely adore P411 for just this reason and if I could afford to turn away non-P411 guys I would, but since not all the guys are P411 screened I would be missing out on some really great guys.

I for one absolutely positively do not mind giving out references. If I can't remember a guy I will do whatever it takes to figure out if he has really seen me or not. I certainly hope that the majority of providers feel the way I do!
Shhh!! Don't tell everyone ......actually, I cut a lot of my clients hair after our session is over!....My regulars are so damn spoiled...but I wouldn't have it any other way! Originally Posted by Valerie
Talk about manscaping!!!???
....Ok...done with my TSA rant...sorry for the hijack!...carry on... Originally Posted by Valerie
Ma'am, you used TSA and hijack in the same sentence. Please step this way and come with me into this secluded room.
I personally hang out in chats and allow for them to talk to me there. If they wish to screen at that point I give out my number and I am open for phone calls to just BS.

I think the main thing is teaching every one how to research to find us. Teach them to check to see if we screened them, and also how to be discrete. Boards are fun to flirt on but there still be a high level of discretion to remain on the safe side.

Does this mean we don't have as much business? Maybe, however it also may increase it.