with the showcase links being down or hidden for a while havent looked as much as usual. Since ive been on here several women have grabbed my attention and ive developed a must have list. at the very top of that list are Sonya from San Antonio and Dallas Rain from New Orleans. Ive always fancied Tara Evans too, but his abscence from the board for a bit and showcase links being down made me not see that much of her lately. omg between a few recent posts and a visit to her showcase i am floored. to me she has always been a 10 she must be a 1000 now. she looks more toned,tanned and the natural hair she looks good enough to eat... over and over. i have promised myself along with the other 2 girls i mentioned that i will have her once before i die.. here the link to her showcase
http://www.eccie.net/eccie_showcase....preview&g=1064 guys or girls please give a link tothe showcase of your favorite provider.. the one you have had and relive the joy daily or the one you gotta have before you die