going private

I have tried to reply in private to a post and the part says private is blank and the comment comes out where all can read it. Will you help ?
The test you want to appear in private should appear between the private brackets. The text below would be in private if there were not spaces between the bracket and the word "PRIVATE"

[ PRIVATE ] This text would normally appear in private. [ /PRIVATE ]

The same text as it would appear in private:

I hope this helps.
Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
I live in KS but am on the OK staff. A quick way is just to type . The tags will appear just like sorcery or something.

I live in KS but am on the OK staff. A quick way is just to type . The tags will appear just like sorcery or something.

Jack Originally Posted by ksjack
Good tip. I did not know that. Thanks, jack
well I have tried all the ways you explained and i still get this.
LOL some are slow