Joe's hoe delivers the only "truthful" message of their campaign!!

If this commie shit doesn't take the cake then nothing does.
Everyone equal...what utopian BS!!
Thanks for your truthfulness (THE ONLY THING she's been truthful about) in regards to your ideology comrade!!
SPEED said "she is an excellent running mate"...subconscious slip??
There is a reason the bitch is considered the MOST liberal senator in the Senate...liberalism is a gutless choice.
Who was it that said..."from those according to his ability, to each according to his needs"...OL' dicky Gethard!!
Truth is he stole that from MARX.
The left will bankrupt us with their "compassion."

Read the priceless comments from the people who eviserate bitten's hoe for her commie ideology...THIS IS "The Hill" Youtube channel!!
Talk about LACK of SELF they believe that the vast majority of American buy this shit??
These commies are a CLUELESS proud bunch...
adav8s28's Avatar
Everyone equal...what utopian ....

SPEED said "she is an excellent running mate"...

The left will bankrupt us with their "compassion."
Originally Posted by bb1961
Little "o" it's everyone gets a fair shot. Not everyone will get or end up with a 5 bedroom house and a BMW 730I.

SPEED Racer is correct she is a good running mate. The two toughest state BAR exams to pass are Calif and New York. She was a Attorney General of Calif before she was a senator.

It's Trump who is bankrupting us with his policies. Trump inherited a deficit of 600 billion and now it has grown to over 1 Trillion. Trumps GDP numbers are not better than Obama/Biden GDP numbers.

Capitalism under Obama was alive and well. Alex Rodrigues made 275 million from the Yankees to hit a 90 miles/hr fast ball 420 feet. Tom Brady is getting paid 25 million per season to be the QB for the Tampa Bay Bucs.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The left will bankrupt us with their "compassion." Originally Posted by bb1961
This country is already bankrupt. Where have you been? We've been bankrupt for years. People are just kind of used to it now and they just don't bring it up anymore.

People like me just pay their taxes and go about their life. I have zero clue about where my tax dollars are going but I also don't want to know either because I doubt I would agree with where it was spent by the government. I don't want to know that my money helped bail out some struggling fucking farmer in South Dakota. Fuck him and his farm. Send my money to homeless shelters. That's not my call though so I just give money to homeless shelters on my own.

Edit: Speaking of homeless shelters, I am passionate about that. For those of you who have some disposable income, please donate. These people should not be thrown away like society treats them as garbage. They are people just like you and me. I can't volunteer like I did because of the pandemic, but if you want to have some fun, spend some days at a homeless shelter, it's good volunteer work. I love the look on their faces when I buy them lunch. I miss spending time with them because it humbles the fuck out of you because you don't take things for granted. I used to take things for granted. I don't anymore.
Little "o" it's everyone gets a fair shot. Not everyone will get or end up with a 5 bedroom house and a BMW 730I. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Nah, that's thing though, they're not pushing for equal opportunity anymore, that's not enough, they want equal outcomes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That sounds good unless you’ve got a problem with poor people being less poor.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah, there will always be different levels of economic status. I literally wear shirts that are 20 years old when I volunteer at shelters because I don't want them to view me any differently than them. At the shelter I volunteer at, these people are less than poor. Many are destitute beyond belief, and not just financially, but mentally as well.

I stopped taking my wallet with me when I volunteered at a certain shelter because I kept giving so much money away that I thought I would end up selling my house and living there if I didn't stop donating money. I'm not even kidding about that.
adav8s28's Avatar
This country is already bankrupt. Where have you been? We've been bankrupt for years. People are just kind of used to it now and they just don't bring it up anymore. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
One way to look at the total US debt, it's like a 30 year mortgage of 25 Trillion dollars. Former house speaker Paul Ryan wanted to get it paid off in 20 years. The problem, under his plan was no one would have social security, and the USA would still spend a Trillion plus dollars on the military every year.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
One way to look at the total US debt, it's like a 30 year mortgage of 25 Trillion dollars. Former house speaker Paul Ryan wanted to get it paid off in 20 years. The problem, under his plan was no one would have social security, and the USA would still spend a Trillion plus dollars on the military every year. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Yeah man, I don't know what the balance sheet looks like but if your liability exceeds your assets, you are bankrupt and considered a going concern in accounting. That's where we are as a country.

Sure, you can print money, but you just increase the money supply and inflation skyrockets and you are at a fast food restaurant wondering why you are paying $10 for a few shitty tacos at Taco Bell. I honestly believe this country is going to be forced to print money to pay off its debts.
That sounds good unless you’ve got a problem with poor people being less poor. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I want everyone to be wildly successful in life, I just want them to put effort in, which is why I oppose UBI.

Equal opportunity means that no matter who you are that you're given a same crack at the ladder as everyone else.

Equal outcome means that everyone gets the result they want, regardless of effort put in or ability.

It's the same reason I don't approve of companies publishing salaries, and why I don't discuss salary with my coworkers unless I'm trying to give them a leg up specifically:

A position may have a set of roles and responsibilities, but there isn't a set pay grade. An employer may have an idea of what they want to pay, but they'll stretch if they find someone promising. Paying everyone the same amount, and everyone thinking they're getting paid the same, discourages teamwork and demotivates hard workers. It's the same reason I won't do another union job as long as I live.
Yeah man, I don't know what the balance sheet looks like but if your liability exceeds your assets, you are bankrupt and considered a going concern in accounting. That's where we are as a country.

Sure, you can print money, but you just increase the money supply and inflation skyrockets and you are at a fast food restaurant wondering why you are paying $10 for a few shitty tacos at Taco Bell. I honestly believe this country is going to be forced to print money to pay off its debts. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Maybe joe and his hoe can print enough money to achieve "equality for all" off the national debt and we all live happily ever after...marxist ideas are ALWAYS winners

Quoting you:

"I honestly believe this country is going to be forced to print money to pay off its debts.
you can print money, but you just increase the money supply and inflation skyrockets"
  • oeb11
  • 11-02-2020, 03:13 PM
DPST mantra - but, but , but - this time w will do socialism differently!!
Always good for a laugh!
if only they were no deadly serious committed to their socialism uber Alles!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
DPST mantra - but, but , but - this time w will do socialism differently!!
Always good for a laugh!
if only they were no deadly serious committed to their socialism uber Alles! Originally Posted by oeb11
Can you EVER back up your fraudulent, extreme right-wing claims with ANY kind of evidence?

Anything cogent?

Anything constructive?

Can you answer THIS simple question?

That's NOT a trick question. Try to answer cogently and constructively, Doc DOTY. Your "credibility" is on the line.


Pound that RTM button some more, 混蛋 (tee hee hee)
  • oeb11
  • 11-02-2020, 03:22 PM
joining teh riots tomorrow , yr. hh. multiple handles????
all 'teh' Good DPST's will be there to celebrate with "non-violence" per Hannah-Jones!
Can you EVER back up your fraudulent, extreme right-wing claims with ANY kind of evidence?

Anything cogent?

Anything constructive?

Can you answer THIS simple question?

That's NOT a trick question. Try to answer cogently and constructively, Doc DOTY. Your "credibility" is on the line.


Pound that RTM button some more, 混蛋 (tee hee hee) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
This shit from you is LAUGHABLE!!
This driveling nonsense from your lack of self-awareness is EPIC HoseHummer!!
You fucking thread hijacker...the topic of this thread is...joes' hoe's last PSA for COMMUNISIM...I'm sure you approve of this PSA.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That sounds good unless you’ve got a problem with poor people being less poor. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Start writing them checks then, mr compassion. I’ve got my own people to take care of.