MORE Cases of Dems and Voter Fraud

.... G'day You-inzers,

... I do happen to be rather aware that the main stream media,
Democrats and even lads on the site here have dismissed any
notion or whisper of voter fraud.

And then THIS has happened:

... Increasing number of Fraud cases emerging across
the country.

In one case - a Judge over Connecticut-way recently
ordered A NEW DEMOCRAT PRIMARY for a Mayoural race
- shining yet another spotlight on BALLOT STUFFING.

Charges have been filed against a number of people
as the voter harvesting evidence was recorded on video.

... And look what's happened over in New Jersey, where
Democrat operatives have been arrested for Election Fraud
with Mail-in ballots... The Dems new favourite tool.

Paterson City Council President Alex Mendez has been
indicted for alleged crimes committed during the
2020 election... His wife and two others also charged.

They're accused of running a sneak operation - where they
stole mailed ballots from mailing boxes and then replaced
them with ballots for Alex Mendez.

... See? ... So much for the idea that mail-in ballots
are free and clear of Corruption and Fraud.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
If the argument is zero fraud, congrats. Debunked.

It wasn't. Fraud was found (on both sides) It just wasn't meaningful or material. So you're left with innuendo and conjecture to try to take a few dots and connect them into a material and meaningful conspiracy that you believe exists but can't prove.

And all anyone who disagrees with you can prove is thr evidence of absence.

Kudos for stirring the pot, though.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Salty, you may have found it all by, say, 2036.

But continue your search. Surely keeps you busy.
It should be noted that, for the 2020 election, there was more Republican voter fraud found (and proven in the court of law) in Pennsylvania than that of Democrats. But, for heaven's sake, let's not allow facts to get in the way of a good crybaby session
... What "crybaby session" is that?

... Just showing the election fraud... ballot harvesting.
If you're NOT happy with the thread topic, you know what to do.

#### Salty
Just saying, here in Pennsylvania, more voter fraud was committed by Republicans than by Democrats during the 2020 election. That's a fact.
... And what happened to those charges?
Can you list some of 'em here?

### Salty
... And what happened to those charges?
Can you list some of 'em here?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
They're listed in the link I posted above
... Oh Blimey! ... Show the Ballots! ... As in me other thread
over in the Political forum - The walls are surely CLOSING IN
over in Fulton County. Time to show the fake ballots.

How WILL Fani Willis explain the County's corruption there?

... Long story - short - a conservative group sued
Fulton County to view the "illegal" ballots that
were counted in the 2020 election... Mr. Raffensberger
delayed having a Judge look at the case - and waited
until after the Certification to appoint one.

In 2021 - a judge dismissed the case on standing, since
Georgia certified Biden the winner... The case was appealed
all the way to the State Supreme Court - who ruled AGAINST
Fulton County and ordered them to show the ballots.

.... The Court gave them 90 days to produce them.
It's now been 6 months and - No Ballots yet.

... Which surely must mean that Fulton County has destroyed them.
Which is maybe why the County's two defence barristers have
now filed papers to withdraw from the case.

How will Fanni Willis ever defend this when Trump's own barristers
raise this corruption issue at Trial??

Perhaps THAT is the reason Fanni was commenting that the Trump trial
may run right thru 2025! ... And that she's disappointed
that information and testimony from her sweetheart plead deals
have also been leaked to the media.

Surely seem to me that Fanni's RICO case against Trump has
now collapsed like a tin shithouse roof!

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
Care to share your links?
eyecu2's Avatar
I think that Salty may be confused as to the nature of the Fanni Willis court case against Trump and others. Its about a coordinated effort of election interference vs. validation of the ballots claimed. Raffensberger went ahead and validated the votes and they were cast for Biden. There is NO changing that. The attempt of the Trump team etal, is what Fanni's case is about. It's not inter-twined together and they are two distinctly different processes. There are legal methods to request audits etc., and those were done and TRUMP still lost. Beating the dead horse doesn't change the outcome, it just tries to obfuscate the case and the reasons for it.
... I never like to see horses get beaten, mate.
Except for the odd-ones that I wrongly wagered on
in the Melbourne Cup.
(Our mate Steve Par could surely give you chapter
and verse on me doing that)

... But facts are FACTS. ... No one is trying to change
the outcome of the Georgia election - it was wrongly
Cettified already... Just merely pointing out (yet again)
that Georgia had its-own share of voter fraud - and in
Fulton County, no less! Counterfeit ballots.

And in the very-same place where RICO charges are
being filed. ... And, uh, if you look at the polls
- you'll see Trump with a 8 or 10 point lead in the
2024 election.

... Looks like Fani's bullshit case is as good as DEAD.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
So you concede that the GA election is over and that the vote went begrudgingly to Biden. As there is ZERO proof of election fraud and the election was INDEED certified by the legal process and by Raffensbergfer
So you concede that the GA election is over and that the vote went begrudgingly to Biden. As there is ZERO proof of election fraud and the election was INDEED certified by the legal process and by Raffensbergfer Originally Posted by eyecu2
If only trump could admit this to his knuckle draggers. The world would be a better, safer place.
So you concede that the GA election is over and that the vote went begrudgingly to Biden. As there is ZERO proof of election fraud and the election was INDEED certified by the legal process and by Raffensbergfer Originally Posted by eyecu2
ZERO proof? ... The State Supreme Court is forcing
Fulton County to turn over ballots that some believe
are COUNTERFEIT. ... And The County keeps resisting
handing them over.

The Georgia election "was over" when they Certified
the ballots - but the TRUTH on the election fraud
surely continues to come-forth - as it has in
other states... Just as reported.
...You're also forgetting the whistleblowers
who have given SWORN TESTIMONY.

THEY have also stated that there's voter fraud.
And have said so - UNDER OATH.

#### Salty