It seems every region has some type of monger type who’s negative traits tend to veer ladies away from a particular city. In the Bay area it was a particular ethnicity that was frowned upon, in SoCal drunk and or drugged ruffians are complained about. In DFW its Stank asses.
Washing your ass is a pretty basic function. One would think that before going to meet up for the horizontal mambo, a guy would at least spritz some water or hand soap on his nuts and crack. Apparently here that’s not the case because quite a few ladies complain that customers anre rude but more over unwashed. I realize that this won’t apply to the vast majority of contributing posters. Lurkers compose the bulk of people using this forum. For Pete’s sake wash your ass! First impressions go a long way toward determing the attitude and quality of the session.
Don’t be the reason good talent avoids DFW simply because you have an aversion to soap and water. If this doesn’t apply to you then cool, but the rest of you nasty swamp ass fucks get your shit together. Rant complete.