I want to thank the people on this board

URAPNES's Avatar
for helping me make a good hobby decision. I have decided that I have no place in this hobby (and I know that nobody could care less about my presence here) . I came to this board looking to get some needs filled. But after reading many threads and having several disasterous PM's, I have come to many conclusions. The one thing that drives me crazy here is that everyone is so concerned about politeness (not that there is anything wrong with that), not making waves. Well, someone telling me to be polite or to not make waves comming from a person who (the married ones only) betray (whitch is unpolite) their wives and families (aka, making waves) carries little weight with me or anyone. This Is what made my decision for me. I thought, I could be the nicest, most polite, non-wave-making person here on the board, but if I dive into hobbying, I no matter how nice I am here on the board, I would still be a scumbag in my families eyes if they ever knew.
Another thing is this, these boards are about some very explicit topics, and for there to be a ban on any topic is totally BS. I could ask about ass-to-mouth all day long, but ask once about white providers and black clients, and I am labeled out-of-bounds. Does anyone not see the crazyness?

I will continue to read this board. As of now, I dont think my selfish need for sex is more important than my family. I will never divorce. OMG, te thought of my girls looking at me with tears asking me why I would hurt the family, almost brings me to tears. So (and I know nobody cares) I am finished with my very brief inquiry into the hobby.
You're welcome....

JD Retired's Avatar
Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.
LatexLover's Avatar
The very nature of your post is so judgemental if you aren't the classic example of the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is! Good riddance!
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Wow, you're right...anyone who betrays or indulges in this hobby is a complete selfish, impolite, abusive, bastard! And I just love spending my day with such people

Sounds like you are wrestling with your own demons here buddy, let us know who wins
caliente's Avatar
Nicole you are the best miss ya....mmmm.... so many good memories,,,,,....
yardape's Avatar
Yep, you just won't find much in the way of judgment or insults or verbal abuse here, in case you're seeking confirmation. Good luck.
Besides which he admits he was thinking about doing it and now has changed his mind.
he will some day take the plunge whether it is with a provider or someone else.
If it's in your mind you can't just erase it.
Good reply by the way Nicole.:-)
Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. Originally Posted by JD Retired
I couldn't have said it better myself.