Hey, What's a Fucktard?

awl4knot's Avatar
First, let me start with the obvious wiseacre response: "Anyone who has to ask is one." (yuk yuk).

Okay, now that we have dispensed with that knee-slapper, can anyone tell me what "fucktard" means?

It's a word that seems to be only used on this board. I guess it's a contraction of something like "fucking retard." It seems to be used in a derogatory sense and it sounds like an insult. If that's so then a lot of people are being insulted on some of the regional forums, because it seems as though everyone, other than a few posters, is a fucktard.

Or is it just a generic, neutral term like monger or hobbyist?

Again, any enlightenment will be appreciated.
I believe that it is a derogatory general reference to a hobbyist just like a hooktard is a derogatory general reference to a provider. Both are pretty disrespectful in my opinion....but what are you going to do....this is the internet after-all!!!
You guys shouldn't take hooktard, modtard, and fucktard so seriously... It's all in good fun & kinda make me laugh anyways
thisguy23's Avatar
You guys shouldn't take hooktard, modtard, and fucktard so seriously... It's all in good fun & kinda make me laugh anyways Originally Posted by Valerie
I'm with Valerie on this one. Now I can say I have been with Valerie.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I know some guys and we use fucktard outside the board. Generally, we use the term to refer to a hobbyist for whatever reason ruins things for the rest of us. Several examples: a) a client who is so thrilled with the services he received that he ENCOURAGES the provider to INCREASE her rates. b) a client who so egregiously violates the unwritten rules of etiquette within the hobby i.e. is rude or just oafish which then reflects poorly on the rest of us hobbyists c) the general derogatory name to give to someone who is not like a normal hobbyist-- i.e. makes life hard for both providers and hobbyists.
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Well, as you know, "fucking" is an English modifier commonly used to express intensity.

So in this case Fucktard is beyond Retarded, this person is Fucking Retarded or expressed more succinctly via contraction: a Fucktard.

2 Uses:
Seriously/Insult: If someone is , then it is meant as an insult.

Jokingly: If someone is being sarcastic, it is typically meant that the person in question is "silly" or "quirky" The intent isn't so much to slander the person as to say they were doing something foolish or being annoyingly difficult about something (uncompromising)

P.S. UrbanDictionary is AWESOME for looking up slang/colloquialisms that aren't "proper" to publish in dictionaries... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fucktard
awl4knot's Avatar
I thought about UD after I posted this. I guess that makes me one in the "joking" sense, I hope.

I was surprised that it is used beyond this board, cuz I never noticed it used in any other place. I guess this is a very urban, and possibly urbane, crowd.
pyramider's Avatar

Had to put in form of an equation for the engineering tards out there.
Pink Floyd's Avatar

Had to put in form of an equation for the engineering tards out there. Originally Posted by pyramider
I just knew you would clear this up.
While fuktard is not appreciated neither is hooktard. At least I don't care for it. The people that tend to use the term hooktard are the guys who get mad because of the ladies who refuse to be disrespected.

The guy that uses the term hooktard is guilty of being a fuktard. The fuktard can't do any better so he has to slime his sorry bitch ass to a review board and trash any woman who refuses him service. This is one definition of a fuktard now I am going to scroll up and read everyone else's opinion.
LaStang's Avatar
a Fucktard is the people that i rely on everyday at work ........ because they are unreliable !
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Lots of definitions for the word fucktard. I'm sure you've called plenty of people "fuckers, shitheads, assholes, idiots ect ect" in your lifetime. Why would this particular word cause you to pause more than the rest

Had to put in form of an equation for the engineering tards out there. Originally Posted by pyramider