
eccieuser9500's Avatar

. . . I personally benefited from the tax cut, and I know anyone who says differently is a liar. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I'm sorry Rancor, that was just too stupid to pass. And I'm on a troll. (Actually, I'm not sorry)
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm sorry Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Most here would agree with you on that point.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This thread is basically saying if you can't say anything good about His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse.

,say nothing! Originally Posted by lickidyclit


you may continue to post, loyal serf!

  • Tiny
  • 04-15-2019, 08:35 PM
So far so good w twit head. His tax cut for the rich n his tariffs havent fucked up the Obama economy much yet lol. Really fucked the national debt though. That's the GOP way now. I will be fine when twit for brains does fk up the economy though. The Obama economy has raised my real estate taxes a bunch. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Well IB...too bad your not rich enough to have save millions in tax cuts. Glad you enjoyed your peanuts though. I enjoyed my peanuts too even though I didn't really need them. 1k lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Tsmokies, His economic policies do have the two Achilles heals you mentioned, one being tariffs and the other increasing the national debt. The "tax cut for benefit of the rich" thing though isn't really true. There are certain wealthy people who benefited a lot, primarily (a) owners of businesses where labor is a large portion of income and (b) owners of businesses where depreciation is a large percentage of income. People like Trump who own a lot of rental real estate fall into "b". Many upper income earners are paying more tax, including those who itemize a lot of personal deductions (like residents of places with high state income taxes) and owners of foreign corporate businesses.

Some pundits on the left trumpet the dollar amounts being saved by upper income earners instead of the percentage amounts. They do this to promote their philosophy that the best way to make people equal is to make them all poorer. And yes, in the USA, which has the most progressive tax system in the developed world, the dollars of tax savings per person for the rich is greater. That's to be expected when the top 1% pay 40% of the income tax and the top 10% pay 70%.
Well IB...too bad your not rich enough to have save millions in tax cuts. Glad you enjoyed your peanuts though. I enjoyed my peanuts too even though I didn't really need them. 1k lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies
The IRS will glade to take the "peanuts" you have to offer...I sure you have no inclination to "donate the peanuts" to your beloved Gumment though.
You make it seem the millions the rich got back...WASN'T THEIRS IN THE FIRST are appointed the 5 star general of class warfare!!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Since the Dow went from @ 7500 in Jan 2009 to @19900 in Jan 2017, (@ 150%, well over the rate you quoted)vs. trump's @30%.
Plus, Obama's first 2 years was over 50% (@7500 to Jan 21, 2011 @11800).
Looks like you made bad choices if you only made 28% in 8 years.

My 401k has increased in value in the last two years more than the previous eight. 31.7% versus 28.1%

Besides that, Trump has not gotten in the way of something that I want to do unlike Obama and his VA. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
lickidyclit's Avatar

you may continue to post, loyal serf!

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Not saying anything bad, but it ain't over till it's over, lots of subpoenas yet to be answered about shady business dealings, tax returns, Russian business involvement's, completion of a full term in office is not guaranteed just yet for his Majesty!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
FYI, good fiction requires that your plot line be somewhat plausible. Yours isn't.

I made $5K more last year than I did in 2017 and paid $1K less in income tax than I did in 2017. Hence, I know I personally benefited from the tax cut, and I know anyone who says differently is a liar.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well, that is just not true. Estimates I have read state that approximately 15% of tax filers will pay more under the new tax plan than they did under the old plan. For one, those families with many children will probably see their taxes go up due to the loss of exemptions.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I saved in the range of $1200 a year in taxes. Better than nothing but certainly not a lifestyle changer. I'll certainly give Trump a plus for this but only for myself. The overall impact of the tax reform package is a matter of opinion. Many say positive many say negative.

Other than that, Trump's time in office has had little to no positive impact on my life.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I saved in the range of $1200 a year in taxes. Better than nothing but certainly not a lifestyle changer. I'll certainly give Trump a plus for this but only for myself. The overall impact of the tax reform package is a matter of opinion. Many say positive many say negative.

Other than that, Trump's time in office has had little to no positive impact on my life. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

hasn't resulted in any negative impact either, has it?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
hasn't resulted in any negative impact either, has it? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

My life is much different than most. I am, for the most part, retired. My income is set pretty much for life. The decisions of the POTUS, for the most part, have little to no impact on my life. The question that was asked was how Trump has impacted MY life. That is a far different question than asking how Trump has impacted, positively or negatively, the lives of people in this country and around the world, today and in the future, based on his actions while in office.
themystic's Avatar
My taxes were higher but so what. My Health insurance actually went downs $ 23.00 per month. Not exactly a game changer either way. I thrived in the Obama years and Im thriving now. Trump inherited a great economy. Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression. You Trump people are very short sighted. Lets see where the economy is at after the 4 years. Hopefully good. BTW wheres the new health care? Wheres the wall?
[QUOTE=themystic;1061423892] Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression. QUOTE]

And thank God the Great Community Organizer came along when he did, right?

No doubt....the Right Man at the Right Time.

Then again, I guess we'll really never know though.....

…..that said, kinda would have liked seeing if Nancy's "glass of water" could have fared as well with the economy as Barry the MAGA-nificent did when he came along....

Oh, heck fire .....let's just go with it and say it did.

Odds are that Glass o' Water knew just as much about the economy.... bringing NATO back in line...stopping missile testing in NoKo….bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, etc, good ol' Odummer did....
rexdutchman's Avatar
About the same , paid less in tax's during the year but more at end so awash . The Lame stream media =8 years of how great Odumber, Now the haters so I guess awash also ?