What has the right accomplished in history?


Trickle down economics

Education only for the rich

Repression of the free press

Suppressing or making science (facts) illegal

Pretty much the Trump agenda. Amazing how he gets ignorant people to support it.

Som one name me one thing Trump has done to help consumers or working people.
lustylad's Avatar
Oh fuck... not this troll again... and he's back with the same weak bait as last time!


Is this the best the libtard team can offer?

This guy can't even mop the floor at the next Austin Reacharound Crew circle jerk!
and none of your right wing nuts can refute my question. Be alive and consider critical thinking. Galileo would be proud of you.
It bears repeating since so many here are being duped. Give me an example of how giving money to the rich benefited the poor or middle class?
Ps. I'm ignoring BS propaganda. Anything normal, fact based articles, please!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Slavery <---««« right & left

Trickle down economics <---««« right

Education only for the rich <---««« rich left

Repression of the free press <---««« left

Suppressing or making science (facts) illegal <---««« left
Originally Posted by Seeker

Ps. I'm ignoring BS propaganda. Anything normal, fact based articles, please! Originally Posted by Seeker
WOW, if you can't understand that reducing taxes for all and yes especially the rich as they are the ones who have taken their businesses overseas due to the highest business taxes in this country in the world, imagine that. We reduce their taxes and they bring back their businesses to this country, Now just imagine that, puts more people to work, their taxes are lowered and viola we start bringing down the deficit of something like 20 trillion dollars. YIKES

Not sure if Liberals understand as they just listen to the drive by media saying "only the rich are getting tax breaks", yup, it is the rich that will be bringing back business to this wonderful country that our President will only make better. If only the Libs had a little (learn a little about fiscal overhaul instead of condemning) knowledge about the basics of fiscal solutions they might be dangerous in a wonderful way of course.

Get with the program Libs and educate yourselves, learn how to think for yourselves (aka critical thinking )instead of being CNN and MSNBC parrots.

🇺🇸MFLYNNJR🇺🇸 Retweeted
Educating Liberals

What kind of a MONSTER would want to lower our taxes, secure our borders, protect the citizens, create jobs, raise the GDP, take down the DC corruption, destroy ISIS, put America first, fix the healthcare abomination & strengthen the military.

I just don’t get it....
8:11 PM · Dec 16, 2017
goodolboy's Avatar
It bears repeating since so many here are being duped. Give me an example of how giving money to the rich benefited the poor or middle class? Originally Posted by Seeker
By "giving money to" I assume you are referring to letting people keep more of the money they earned instead of the government taxing it away in the form of taxes?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Slavery in Libya brought to you by Odumbo and hildebeest, OP.

It was the religious right -- Protestants -- that first sought to educate all men and women so that they could read the Word of God for themselves, Op.

It's notable that the first major book printed by a movable press in the West was the Gutenberg Bible, and an Augustinian friar by the name of Martin Luther was the first notable beneficiary of a free press, OP.

Copernicus was working for the Roman Catholic Church when he developed his theory of a heliocentric solar system. Sir Isaac Newton was a theologian, and Gregor Mendel -- the founder of modern genetic science -- was an Augustinian friar, OP.

It was the likes of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford -- "greedy capitalists" -- who petitioned for the need of good public schools in America at the turn of the 20th century, and Ford set up his own schools until the government took action, OP.

So it would be your stupid-ass that is ignorant about who it was in the West that first promoted literacy and the utilization of a free press so that your dumb ass could learn how to read the scientific works of conservative scientists, OP.

BTW, OP, Trump did this for America:

bambino's Avatar
Slavery in Libya brought to you by Odumbo and hildebeest, OP.

It was the religious right -- Protestants -- that first sought to educate all men and women so that they could read the Word of God for themselves, Op.

It's notable that the first major book printed by a movable press in the West was the Gutenberg Bible, and an Augustinian friar by the name of Martin Luther was the first notable beneficiary of a free press, OP.

Copernicus was working for the Roman Catholic Church when he developed his theory of a heliocentric solar system. Sir Isaac Newton was a theologian, and Gregor Mendel -- the founder of modern genetic science -- was an Augustinian friar, OP.

It was the likes of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford -- "greedy capitalists" -- who petitioned for the need of good public schools in America at the turn of the 20th century, and Ford set up his own schools until the government took action, OP.

So it would be your stupid-ass that is ignorant about who it was in the West that first promoted literacy and the utilization of a free press so that your dumb ass could learn how to read the scientific works of conservative scientists, OP.

BTW, OP, Trump did this for America:

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Keeping Clinton from the Presidency might be the biggest accomplishment in this century.
Christmas vacation will soon be upon us so Seeker, Sistine and the other Reacharound Crew members will have plenty of time to post. Happy Holidays!
LexusLover's Avatar

Som one name me one thing Trump has done to help consumers or working people. Originally Posted by Seeker
Who is "Som"?

Did you attend a Liberal Educational Institution? Or do you prefer "Left"?
StandinStraight's Avatar
WOW, if you can't understand that reducing taxes for all and yes especially the rich as they are the ones who have taken their businesses overseas due to the highest business taxes in this country in the world, imagine that. We reduce their taxes and they bring back their businesses to this country, Now just imagine that, puts more people to work, their taxes are lowered and viola we start bringing down the deficit of something like 20 trillion dollars. YIKES

Not sure if Liberals understand as they just listen to the drive by media saying "only the rich are getting tax breaks", yup, it is the rich that will be bringing back business to this wonderful country that our President will only make better. If only the Libs had a little (learn a little about fiscal overhaul instead of condemning) knowledge about the basics of fiscal solutions they might be dangerous in a wonderful way of course.

Get with the program Libs and educate yourselves, learn how to think for yourselves (aka critical thinking )instead of being CNN and MSNBC parrots. Originally Posted by Cherie
No they won’t bring businesses back, not until wages are depressed further, cheap labor is the main reason they leave, of course you would see nothing wrong with American workers getting 1 dollar per hour if the rich could get richer. Why don’t you lead the way and lower your rate to say 10 dollars a hour.