Midnight in Paris

I’m going to be in the arc de triomphe area of Paris in about a week.

Any recommendations on websites or local spots for hobbying in Paris?
pyramider's Avatar
The bushes in the park across from the American embassy.
boardman's Avatar
Look out for the Yellow vests. I don't think they'll be giving up anytime soon. Good news for you is that it's taking up much of the police force's time. No really, I don't think they are bothering tourists but just gumming up the works especially in that area. Left there last week and it was getting pretty tense. Didn't even stay over night this time, just a stop along the way. There was a haze over the city from all the shit they kept throwing on the fires they set, even mattresses and shit. Kind of takes something away from the beauty of the City.

As for Hobbying I've never done it there since I'm always with someone. I've been there a few times, I'm no expert on the city but I'll give you the info I think might be useful. Oh and get used to seeing Federal troops and Police heavily armed and patrolling. It can be a little unsettling at first.

Paris is really easy to get around in via the Metro so don't limit yourself to the Arc de Triomphe area. You won't find much there other than tourists anyway. The local red light district is on the north side of town in the area of the 9th and 18th. It's a pretty shady part of town though. Muslim encampments, Gypsies hanging out there in different areas. You're probably not going to get mugged or harassed but you might get picked clean and never know it.

If you use the Metro get used to the guys walking car to car shouting in French. That was the strangest thing to me. I think it's political shit but they might be beggars. Just ignore them.

For sites I found this one that looks legit:

If you've never been there, The French are different. They love their formality. You are expected to Bon jour everyone it seems like. It's like you're not recognizing them as people if you don't. Walk into a fucking laundromat and fail to bon jour the patrons who might be in there...They'll give you a snarky au revoir as they leave. Damn sure bon jour the owner or shop keeper if you go into a shop. Restaurants might be a little more laid back but still Parisians take the formalities to another level.

I wouldn't even suggest trying to hook up with a Parisian gal who isn't a provider, they're way too dramatic and don't give two fucks about anything but themselves.

Better luck finding a lonely ex pat widow(or not) in some of the beautiful parks they have there. Lots of American women go there for the imagined romance. The Tuilleries is close by but way too big and lots of general tourists. Luxembourg gardens or Place de Vosges in The Marais are decent parks and you'll see single women hanging out there just sitting in the many chairs strewn about.

Strike up a conversation and if it feels right suggest a cinq a sept. (litterally means 5 to 7 or figuratively the time lovers meet). It's apparently a pretty common thing so if they aren't interested you'll probably just get a polite decline.

The best thing about Paris is the food. The variety is second to non and it's not that expensive if you stay with where the locals go. Their mind set is that everyone is entitled to certain basics in life. That means a good meal, a good glass of wine and exposure to culture and theatrics so there are opportunities to enjoy them all at a reasonable price even for tourists who know how to get around.
I was in Paris a couple of years ago and found a place that was unreal. Its a few doors down from the Picasso museum. Its a russian name {house of luxury } in french. The name is like Serge or Boris., some common name. Ask a cab driver. The entry fee was 300 EU, all you could eat (fuck). Free drinks/food, gambling and just socializing. Down stairs was the lounge, up stairs was the rooms. nice selection of women from all over the world none were below a 8. A small tip was expected like 20EU. I went for three nights while I was there and stayed several hours each time. It a chain , they had cards for other European cities. LOL. Check it out.
sharkman29's Avatar
I didn't hobby there but I sure thought about it and checked out the scene pretty well. Agencies are the way to go, I think. There were several agencies and they all listed beautiful women for hire. I think that's the only way to go. There is a French girl over there that used to live in Dallas that you could see( I can't remember her name now, but you can probably find it by searching here).
cabletex7's Avatar
Ask the guys in the yellow vests.