The "Times" they have a changed

Flair4Drama's Avatar
So to sum up, the most prominent media institution on Earth decided to take an unproven allegation from a vicious terrorist group that 11 days earlier had murdered 1,300 innocent people, taken 200 hostages, and burned alive and decapitated their victims including children, and present it in the way that most served the propaganda aims of the terrorists.

The New York Times Destroys More Than Just Its Credibility
I wouldn't use thay rag for anything other than to train a puppy on it!
rooster's Avatar
Yeah, but at least they call out Bebe on his bullshit. Lotsa media is, from both sides, and you boyz should pay attention to summa that. Cuz that turd is as much to blame for this ongoing fiasco as anyone.

He's gonna get a reprieve for a bit while everyone is focused on burying Hamas. But as soon as people take a breath, they are gonna bounce his ass. Good damn riddance.

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