Dirty pickup lines

Babydoll Jade's Avatar
I bet you guys don't hear that many pickup lines in the hobby so hear are a few that I'm going to start using.
"I could hear your cock talking and it just told me to blow you.... a kiss!"

"Hey sweetheart, can I oil your piston?"

"Nice package let me help unwrap that"

"I may not be Dairy Queen, baby, but I'll treat you right!"

I love hearing pickup lines from dirty men. Share yours
Justapervert's Avatar
wanna play a game, its called peral harbour, i lay on my back, and you blow the hell outta me..
well fuck me if your name isn't yolanda.
how do you like your eggs in the morning... fried, scrambled, or fertilized.
"so glad i got your name, now i have one to use with my right hand tonight.'
are those new pants you have on? their so shiny, i can see my self in them.
just a few..
I'm new in town show me the way to your house.
Do you think we will ever?