The Anti-Kavanaugh Protest Links To George Soros

I B Hankering's Avatar
Soros and his money are behind the anti-Kavanaugh protests regardless of the lying lib-retards claims otherwise.

The Curious George Soros Links

Look at what’s going on with Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation proceedings for the Supreme Court, and the fingerprints of George Soros are all over it.

First there was a report from June in the Daily Caller that found “a new political advocacy group that vowed to put $5 million behind an effort to stop … Kavanaugh’s confirmation has significant ties to the liberal financier” Soros.

What are those ties?

The group, Demand Justice, established in 2018, gets its money from the Sixteen Thirty Fund — and the Sixteen Thirty Fund received roughly $2.2 million from the Open Society Policy Center, one of Soros’ outlets, between the years of 2012 and 2016.

And Demand Justice’s entire mission is to advance a progressive agenda through the courts.

“[Our goal is to] sensitize rank-and-file progressives to think of the courts as a venue for their activism and a way to advance the progressive agenda,” DJ’s executive director, Brian Fallon, said to The New York Times.

But that’s not all.

Debra Katz, the attorney representing Kavanaugh’s accuser — Christine Blasey Ford — is vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, an organization that has been directly funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Katz is also a hefty Democratic donor, giving thousands of dollars over the years to Odumbo, hildebeest and other leftist candidates, as Front Page Mag reported.

Combine that with the reports of Kavanaugh’s denial of even being at the party described by Ford, and what’s shaping is a curious — to say the least — twist to the nomination hearings. Now, Kavanaugh’s due to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee, alongside his accuser, and the vote to move forward his confirmation is postponed.

Kavanaugh’s personal reputation, prior to Ford’s accusation, has been stellar.

“I’ve been friends with Brett Kavanaugh for over 35 years, and dated him during high school,” said Maura Kane, in a statement to the media. “In every situation where we were together, he was always respectful, kind and thoughtful. The accusations leveled against him in no way represent the decent young man I knew. We remain good friends and I admire him as a husband, father and professional.”

Another woman who said she dated Kavanaugh in college released a similar statement, vouching for his character “completely.”

Of course, Democrats dismiss these women’s statements as inconsequential — as meaningless. What they mean is it doesn’t fit their narrative. What they want hidden is it doesn’t fit their funders’ and donors’ narratives.

(Washington Times)

'It's Eye-Opening': Kurtz Highlights 'Choreographed,' Soros-Linked Protests Against Kavanaugh

MediaBuzz host Howard Kurtz said on America's Newsroom he found it "eye-opening" that some of the protesters who have confronted Republicans over Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination are part of an organized group.

The women who confronted Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in recent days are part of the nonprofit Center for Popular Democracy. The video of Flake being shouted at in a Capitol Hill elevator went viral on Friday, with the activists claiming they too were sexual assault victims.

Records show that the group has received funding from liberal billionaire George Soros.

"These incidents are no accident," Kurtz said on Wednesday, adding that the protests are "highly coordinated and choreographed" despite being billed as "spontaneous" protests by many outlets.

Records show that Soros donated $1.5 million to the protesters' nonprofit over the last two years.

In addition to Flake and McConnell, Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Sen. Bill Cassidy (La.) have also been confronted or harassed by protesters over Kavanaugh's nomination.

Kurtz said on Wednesday that the accusations against Kavanaugh and the media's coverage of them has led to an "all-out war" against the judge.

In the last week, he said the journalistic train "has really gone off the rails" due to a variety of new accusations against Kavanaugh.

"This constant barrage of stories about how much Judge Kavanaugh drank in high school or college, getting into a bar fight, throwing ice on someone ... none of these things have much to do with the qualifications of being a Supreme Court Justice."


bambino's Avatar
Of course Soros is involved. Do you think these losers would get off their lazy asses if they weren’t getting paid.
Of course Soros is involved. Do you think these losers would get off their lazy asses if they weren’t getting paid. Originally Posted by bambino
You are exactly correct. It is amazing the amount of Soros bidding that gets done.
Great post and comment.
lustylad's Avatar
Ooops! Didn't you guys get the memo?

Attacking George Soros and (correctly) accusing him of funding the libtards is "anti-Semitic"!

(^^^ Watch yssup whine about the source and ignore the substance of the above link.)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ooops! Didn't you guys get the memo? Attacking George Soros and (correctly) accusing him of funding the libtards is anti-Semitic!

(^^^ Watch yssup whine about the source and ignore the substance of the above link.) Originally Posted by lustylad

Soros is an atheist and agitates against the state of Israel. See @: 10:00.

lustylad's Avatar
^^^ See @ 8:20 to 10:00 in above video.

Soros is a self-confessed, Nazi-abetting Jewish traitor. During the Holocaust he helped the Nazis confiscate property from his fellow Jews and he hasn't felt a twinge of guilt since then!

He admits all this in the 60 Minutes interview! The man is completely amoral... a sociopath who spends his money on sociopathic causes.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^Yupper , and of course he's behind the protests his deal is to pay for chaos
rexdutchman's Avatar
I wonder when Soros is going to be DEPORTED , who on 60 minutes stated he pretended to be the teen son of a Aryan gov official working for the Nazis taking property from the Jews.
Oh yea the Financier gives to much money to odumbo, billary and the liberals media will never ask.
(Soros interview 60 minute 12/20/98 with steve kroft ) original posted by Reason Report 2016
I know he's the liberals hero because he pays for this chaos
winn dixie's Avatar
Thanks IB Hank, but sometimes links and proof are still never gonna convince "some people". \

Example- The Kavanaugh hearings ! No matter what the Dems. were given. It was never enough..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I wonder when Soros is going to be DEPORTED , who on 60 minutes stated he pretended to be the teen son of a Aryan gov official working for the Nazis taking property from the Jews.
Oh yea the Financier gives to much money to odumbo, billary and the liberals media will never ask.
(Soros interview 60 minute 12/20/98 with steve kroft ) original posted by Reason Report 2016
I know he's the liberals hero because he pays for this chaos Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I don't believe he is a citizen so any money he sends to Hillary is illegal.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't believe he is a citizen so any money he sends to Hillary is illegal. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

soros is a naturalized american citizen. so his donations are legal.

he needs to lose his citizenship so that he can be deported to Hungary where he can be charged for the mischief hes created.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
With all due respect, this is a conspiracy theory. Plain and simple. No proof, just “curious” conjecture.

And, again with all due respect, I believe the “he needs to be deported” talk is ludicrous and without foundation or precedent.
It's a conspiracy fact. You didn't read the OP about the number of Soros based and funded organizations that were involved, did you?
Do you have contrary evidence or are you just shit posting?
protesters are mostly liberal feminists and beta males trying to get laid...they need a real life like having a facebook account....smirks
Of course Soros is involved. Do you think these losers would get off their lazy asses if they weren’t getting paid. Originally Posted by bambino

Yea, tell us something we already didn't know..
LIKE when the hell is soros going to get targeted by a drone!!!

he needs to lose his citizenship so that he can be deported to Hungary where he can be charged for the mischief hes created. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Na, send him to the GRAVE!!!