frog vs. private owners

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Should Dried Up Tree Frog Sex Ponds Limit Property Rights?

the supreme court is hearing this case about a frog that pits the govt. vs. the private owners over how the land is used when it comes to the endangered species act.

I think the govt. (Trump is supporting them unfortunately) position is ridiculous.

they are talking about if they bring the frog to this part of Louisiana, they would have to alter the ecology of the area to make it suitable habitat. they may have the epheremal ponds, but not the right kind of trees.

what's wrong with this thinking?

the altering part is stupid. they are talking about altering a certain type of forest that did not exist in that part of Louisiana.

its expensive and its also not practical. they are other unintended side effects of that move.
I like how one judge handled a similar case a # of years ago. AFTER it went 8 years in the court system..
He simply asked the folk "SO are any of those animals there yet? IF NOT, then i am sorry but i am not telling the home owners of that land, they can't do what they want to it. AND IF THE Birds eventually show up, they can find NEW accomodations!:"
rexdutchman's Avatar
Similar to the inland waterway BS ( if you have any water standing or not the feds get to control ) Just another attempt to take rights away
Similar to the inland waterway BS ( if you have any water standing or not the feds get to control ) Just another attempt to take rights away Originally Posted by rexdutchman

I heard out in Colorado, they tried to take some locals to COURT< because the had rain collecting buckets.. The state said "They were stealing water from us">?!?!?!??!
No such thing as private ownership. You have to pay taxes or what is yours is no longer yours.
rexdutchman's Avatar
socialism at its best, taxs and gov control.
No such thing as private ownership. You have to pay taxes or what is yours is no longer yours. Originally Posted by cumsomemore

Technically that's true. Even if you have the deed to your house, you technically Don't own it, as you can still be evicted by the state/city for failing to pay property taxes.