How do you abortions rights morons stand

oilfieldace's Avatar
If your momma had put a coat hanger through your cranium? Probably would change to pro life in a heartbeat??? You as a group are some dumb sons a bitches!!!
  • grean
  • 10-09-2018, 04:04 PM
If your momma had put a coat hanger through your cranium? Probably would change to pro life in a heartbeat??? You as a group are some dumb sons a bitches!!! Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Yea...I'd say pharmaceutical abortions would be they better way.
Yea...I'd say pharmaceutical abortions would be they better way. Originally Posted by grean
Just save some stem cells first because those are useful for research.
You trump huggers amuse yourselfs in a really fk up way. Eccie puts up with a lot of stupid for the money. I'm sure whack up is getting his lol
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

It's not actually abortion rights. It's constitutional rights.
Govt can not interfere with this or that, etc.

If you have a problem with the Constitutional Rights that American citizens have, you're more than welcome to move elsewhere. But you are entertaining exercising your 1st amendment rights.

Roe vs Wade was decided based upon the 14th amendment, but 9th Amendment issues also were noted.

This is data that's been discussed for over 40 yrs and there's been no change in the underlying issue which is, only way to change it is a new constitutional amendment (that would not pass). Amusingly, the same applies to gun rights and the 2nd amendment.
GingerKatt's Avatar
If your momma had put a coat hanger through your cranium? Probably would change to pro life in a heartbeat??? You as a group are some dumb sons a bitches!!! Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Yo Moran. Your head wound cleared up a little bit at least. But tell me how it feels when YOUR uterus has a clump of unwanted cells in it. When you can tell me that; MAYBE I’ll listen to your opinion on the female reproductive system.
I don't see you standing in line ready to adopt a child.
GingerKatt's Avatar
I don't see you standing in line ready to adopt a child. Originally Posted by cumsomemore
I ABSOLUTELY would adopt a child if I wasn’t an escort. I’m actually engaged now, and may have to quit soon. Even though I LOVE what I do so much. I would love to foster or adopt if it is possible for me after a background check. I actually did pass an FBI background check to get access with my fiancé to a sensitive government facility.

The OP however, I hope has no children and never does. His views are so mixed up. Especially when it comes to female uteruses.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Where in the construction deals with abortion. There is none , so no need to actually read.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Where in the construction deals with abortion. There is none , so no need to actually read. wtf is he even talking about
When men start getting pregnant, I’ll start listening to their views on reproductive rights.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I guess it helps to be clueless. When women make a choice not to get pregnant then I will start listening to them. So many choices before one spreads their legs and yet they evidently don't care, let's just kill a human being
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
It's amusing that you're actually in this hobby with that viewpoint.
oilfieldace's Avatar
You mean me not condoning murder?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It should be clear to you by now that your opinion is just that, YOUR opinion.

The constant insults and rude and aggressive remarks aimed at anybody who disagrees with you — not to mention your sophomoric single line threads (with no citation of any kind) — lead me to believe that you aren’t acting in good faith here,

You’ve authored a handful of anti-abortion threads in the past day.

I get it. You’re anti-abortion.

To call everybone who disagrees a murderer and a moron and the other derogatory names you’ve been calling them is out of line here.