Pray for the folks in

oilfieldace's Avatar
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
that is the first and only thing you have said that makes any sense but they did choose to live there on the coast that everyone with half a brain knows will be hit bye hurricanes
oilfieldace's Avatar
Well you have yet to say ANYTHING intelligent. So I guess it's 1- nil
that is the first and only thing you have said that makes any sense but they did choose to live there on the coast that everyone with half a brain knows will be hit bye hurricanes Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
I agree - they should pay insurance commensurate with the risk, and should not be allowed to build again on the same spot that gets flooded severely.
For us that live on the Gulf Coast, you accept the fact that Hurricanes are a way of life.

As intense as this storm has grown to be, the affects will be felt hundreds of miles Inland, all the way up into Eastern Appalachia.

Yes, say a prayer for the people's well being.
Wakeup's Avatar
Stop the back and forth insults...
What i would like to know is, if they give MANDATORY EVACUATION orders, and people REFUSE to heed them, WHY then should the cops and others, put THEIR butts on the line to save those morons??
Additionally, one news caster said "if you gave them a mando order to flee, and they don't, WHY then can't you just make them leave" to the mayor of one of the towns in the path. The Mayor said something to the effect of "by law we can't physically make anyone leave, if they don't wish".

TO WHICH i then ask "SO WHY THE HELL issue a mando evac order??" What's the point, if it can be ignored willy nilly, and you are legally powerless to enforce it?
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I hope they are ok I am sure trump will head in with a load of bounty paper towels