As soon as Ginsberg croaks

oilfieldace's Avatar
Amy Coney Barret will be Trumps pick!!!!
beguilingvoice's Avatar
Mitch made me LOL the other day. He said " he could see himself bringing a vote for a new judge to the SCOTUS in 2020 "

That's taking the moral highground.

It is getting harder to vote for anyone from either party.
Amy Coney Barret will be Trumps pick!!!! Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I don't like her middle name.

I could live with it though if she wants to get rid of racial preferences that are killing us and dividing us.

Affirmative action/diversity sucks.
Marshall2.0's Avatar
I don't like her middle name.

I could live with it though if she wants to get rid of racial preferences that are killing us and dividing us.

Affirmative action/diversity sucks. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Equality under the law is good, but why is diversity good? The filth can't answer that question.
Amy Coney Barret will be Trumps pick!!!! Originally Posted by oilfieldace

She is a Catholic, one that actually believes what the Church teaches.

That will put her at odds with quite a few Professed Catholics in the Democrat Party, all who say they are Catholics but believe in abortion and other human actions that go directly against the Churche's teachings.

If you think about it, Catholicism was made for Democrats. You can be for everything that goes against the teachings in the Bible in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator in human society but just go to your Priest and confess, and it's all ok.

Teddy Kennedy knew that. Wouldn't you have loved to be the fly on the wall when he was in the Confessional Booth just after Chappaquidick.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Jackie S. , I have always wondered that about Catholics and Christians. How can you go against what you call your faith? I don't know much about the Catholic religion but I know several Chatolics. The ones I know do not believe in Birth Control much less abortion.
Amy Coney Barret will be Trumps pick!!!! Originally Posted by oilfieldace

I hope she is!
Jackie S. , I have always wondered that about Catholics and Christians. How can you go against what you call your faith? I don't know much about the Catholic religion but I know several Chatolics. The ones I know do not believe in Birth Control much less abortion. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I grew up in another Gulf Coast City that had a lot of people with an "eaux" at the end of their name.

The joke was that they were Catholics because they could get drunk on Saturday night and take communion on Sunday morning.

Pretty good deal.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
oil can man please learn some spelling ok or go read you construction ok
oilfieldace's Avatar
What son?
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
chatolics really
oilfieldace's Avatar
Yeah really , I bet your grilling is superb
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
it is not bad oilman
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you understand capitalization? How about grammar?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Jackie S. , I have always wondered that about Catholics and Christians. How can you go against what you call your faith? I don't know much about the Catholic religion but I know several Chatolics. The ones I know do not believe in Birth Control much less abortion. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I went through pre-marriage counseling with my wife, who was Catholic, decades ago. The priest's words regarding birth control were "Use your own judgement". The "judgement" of most Catholics, in my experience, was to use birth control. Regarding abortion, most Catholics were most certainly against it.