Republicans offer strategy on the Syria issue.. defund Obamacare!

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
I am sorry, I am laughing at this, because they really think this is how to deal with what is going on with Syria. Oh yea, that will really show Assad not to mess with us and cross our "red line". Lets get rid of the AHCA!

Link to the NewYorker News article

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—As the debate over Syria moves to the United States Congress, a leading Senate Republican said today that the only way to resolve the crisis in the war-torn Middle Eastern country is by “defunding Obamacare at once.”

Appearing on the Fox News Channel, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told host Sean Hannity, “If we’re trying to send a strong message to [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad, I can think of no better way to do that than by defunding Obamacare.”

Elaborating on his strategy, Sen. Cruz added, “By defunding Obamacare, we would basically be saying to Assad, ‘This is how we attack our own President, so just imagine what we’ll do to you.’ That would make him think twice before he pulls another one of his stunts.”

“You can fire off as many Tomahawk missiles as you want,” said Sen. Cruz. “But they won’t have the same impact on Syria as defunding Obamacare.”

Shortly after his appearance, Sen. Cruz’s statements drew a sharp rebuke from a fellow Republican, Arizona Senator John McCain, who called the prospect of bombing Syria “the only thing I have to live for.”

“Look, I’ve been in a very dark place since the 2008 election,” Sen. McCain told reporters. “There have been a lot of mornings when, quite frankly, I haven’t had a reason to get out of bed. It’s all well and good for people like Ted Cruz to criticize Tomahawk missiles, but hitting Syria is all that’s keeping me going.”
Didn't know Syria was covered ...Well thanks Ted...
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Didn't know Syria was covered ...Well thanks Ted... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Obamacare doesn't cover poison gas.
JCM800's Avatar
does Assad watch Fox News?
I hope you realize that the Borowitz Report is a joke; a spin on real news stories.

But knowing the intelligence of liberals (lack of actually) i wouldn't be surprised if you thought this was hard news.
We need to defund Obamacare in order to pay for his Syrian War.

WTF would point this out but he only cares about paying for wars when the President is white.
What war ass fly? Hasn't happened yet.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-03-2013, 06:55 PM
We need to defund Obamacare in order to pay for his Syrian War.

WTF would point this out but he only cares about paying for wars when the President is white. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I did not want the war in Iraq nor do I want this war. I will point out that there is a world of difference in the two, cost wise. I doubt we spend 2-3 Trillion dolloas on this one.

I really would not even call this a war....yet.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-03-2013, 07:25 PM
I hope you realize that the Borowitz Report is a joke; a spin on real news stories. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Is that so? Sounds like something a lot of the RWWs would actually say.

Pretty sad when the real nut cases and the satire of the nut cases sounds about the same.
I did not want the war in Iraq nor do I want this war. I will point out that there is a world of difference in the two, cost wise. I doubt we spend 2-3 Trillion dolloas on this one.

I really would not even call this a war....yet. Originally Posted by WTF
I would call it a war...a civil war. And if Obama gets us involved in it, it could quickly escalate if Israel and Iran get involved in it which is the real reason why Obama blinked and asked Congress for approval.

For those at home scoring, this is the second civil war Obama has involved the US in in as many years. Say it, Barack "The Neo-con" Obama!
I would call it a war...a civil war. And if Obama gets us involved in it, it could quickly escalate if Israel and Iran get involved in it which is the real reason why Obama blinked and asked Congress for approval.

For those at home scoring, this is the second civil war Obama has involved the US in in as many years. Say it, Barack "The Neo-con" Obama! Originally Posted by gnadfly
I like the short version, Oneo-con.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-03-2013, 08:03 PM
I would call it a war...a civil war. ! Originally Posted by gnadfly
I was speaking as it pertain to the USofA.

If it ends like Libya's civil war and our limited engagement, then it is nothing like Iraq.

And if Obama gets us involved in it, it could quickly escalate if Israel and Iran get involved in it which is the real reason why Obama blinked and asked Congress for approval.

! Originally Posted by gnadfly
He is going to lob some missiles up their ass Congress or no Congress. My guess is congress will blink. There is no hurry, in fact time is on his side.

For those at home scoring, this is the second civil war Obama has involved the US in in as many years. Say it, Barack "The Neo-con" Obama! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Neither of which has cost in lives or money one hundredth of what Iraq cost. For those actually scoring and not playing partisan politics.
I was speaking as it pertain to the USofA.

If it ends like Libya's civil war and our limited engagement, then it is nothing like Iraq.

He is going to lob some missiles up their ass Congress or no Congress. My guess is congress will blink. There is no hurry, in fact time is on his side.

Neither of which has cost in lives or money one hundredth of what Iraq cost. For those actually scoring and not playing partisan politics. Originally Posted by WTF
So Libya's civil war is over?

Only Khaddafi and his lieutenants are gone. Just like Saddam and his sons and lieutenants are gone. The war and the situation is different.

We have not involved ourselves formally in the Syrian War. You are ahead of yourself...again.

How does "Congress blink?" In fact, people from both parties that want to involve the US into Syria are in two camps one: "The US needs to get involve to save face" and "The US needs to get involved to save Obama's face."

This whole situ is a proxy for what happens when Iran get nukes. It and the associated costs won't be over for years.
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JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Borowitz Report is classified as humor. Which means that this was a fake story. It did not happen just like Sarah Palin saying she could see Russia from her kitchen window. Who fell for this obvious bit of tomfoolery: WTF and Old T swallowed the cum.