in the past, i have asked several women [in this sub-culture and in real life] what it felt like for her when she's horny. below is what one of my eccie playmates wrote [i did some edits w/ her ok]
ladies, how does it feel for you??
As far as how it feels for me, I will say it goes pretty much in this order for me.
I get a feeling of excitement, which for me my energy level goes way up all around. Which also makes it harder for me to concentrate on something if I am doing something I need to focus on. I might as well stop focusing cause whatever it is definitely isn't gonna be done with the right brain, so to speak. It's like massive BRAIN overload. I get excited and skip half the details. I guess you might say it makes me one-track-minded. I have my eye on the ball literally ... LOLOLOLOL ...
As far as how someone might see me during that pre-sex horny phase, I would say I probably look fidgety or nervous possibly like a cat who ate the canary. lol ... with a evil grin ear to ear. It feels like my pussy has its own heart beat and starts pulsing or throbbing. Even to the point of it hurting but hurting so good. At that point, the feeling builds stronger and the throbbing also expands upward through my stomach .. Some people may call it a butterfly feeling.
Then typically when I do orgasm, it feels like something jumps in my body and takes over. It totally feels Awesomely paralyzing. Like I have absolutely no control over it. It goes all through me and then it feels Euphoric. After the fact, my nose and face tingle and I feel like I can't keep my eyes open I am so relaxed. Its like a Euphoric state ... Its Awesome ... GAWD I'm HORNY!