Just incredible - American white-tailed are carrying the SARS-CoV-2 virus in large numbers

ManSlut's Avatar

American white-tailed are carrying the SARS-CoV-2 virus in large numbers. They are getting it from humans, unknown if they are getting sick from it or if they are passing it on to humans...Will they cause new variants?

My God, when will we ever have a new normal?
FatCity's Avatar
makes you wonder just what IS the "SARS-CoV-2 virus", don't it?
Like, maybe its just a common respiratory illness or something, thats been around for years?

Wouldn't it be a thing if there was an outbreak of a new strain of the common cold, but it was hyped as the next Bubonic Plague for 3 months so the masses would clamor for rapid testing to see if they have it? And those rapid tests results would be considered ACTUAL infected cases, even though they're actually only reporting if artifacts of the common cold exist in your body.... wouldn't that be a thing? Heh...just imagine if they spent an entire year over-inflating deaths, classifying any dead person with the common cold as a victim of this virus just to hype the masses to get a new "vaccine" to cure them....except the "vaccine" ISN'T a weaker strain of the virus to naturally build immunity but some weird new mRNA gene therapy that hasn't been tested and actually completely fucks up your own immune system for good....and THOSE people are the ones that are now dying from this "virus"?

ha.....that'd be a hoot if it were a thing
Ralph Fults's Avatar
makes you wonder just what IS the "SARS-CoV-2 virus", don't it?
Like, maybe its just a common respiratory illness or something, thats been around for years?

Wouldn't it be a thing if there was an outbreak of a new strain of the common cold, but it was hyped as the next Bubonic Plague for 3 months so the masses would clamor for rapid testing to see if they have it? And those rapid tests results would be considered ACTUAL infected cases, even though they're actually only reporting if artifacts of the common cold exist in your body.... wouldn't that be a thing? Heh...just imagine if they spent an entire year over-inflating deaths, classifying any dead person with the common cold as a victim of this virus just to hype the masses to get a new "vaccine" to cure them....except the "vaccine" ISN'T a weaker strain of the virus to naturally build immunity but some weird new mRNA gene therapy that hasn't been tested and actually completely fucks up your own immune system for good....and THOSE people are the ones that are now dying from this "virus"?

ha.....that'd be a hoot if it were a thing Originally Posted by FatCity
Still tasty.
Bushjumper's Avatar
So.....Dr Fouchi & the CDCC are now testing white tailed deer for Covid?
Oilrig's Avatar
Fauci continues to claim Covid jumped from animal to humans At senate hearing Rand Paul interrupted Fauci with a fact that 80,000 animals,birds bats and insects around Wuhan were tested and none had Covid
FatCity's Avatar
So.....Dr Fouchi & the CDCC are now testing white tailed deer for Covid? Originally Posted by Bushjumper
dude, they're vaxxing zoo animals

and it just so happens, the animals are committing suicide not long after getting the jab
HEY! The vax has been FDA APPROVED for kids 5 and up.....better line your kids up
Fauci continues to claim Covid jumped from animal to humans At senate hearing Rand Paul interrupted Fauci with a fact that 80,000 animals,birds bats and insects around Wuhan were tested and none had Covid Originally Posted by Oilrig
Almost all bat related virus do jump from animal to human. Did Wuhan tested deers?
Almost all bat related virus do jump from animal to human. Did Wuhan tested deers? Originally Posted by d1dragon
"Did Wuhan tested deers"?

This has to be the most-mangled sentence ever posted on ECCIE. Please update your English Language App.

Until that time, let me correct your sentence. Study and learn.

"Were Deer tested at the Wuhan Laboratory"?

Deer is the plural, there is no "deers". Deer is capitalized (noun). Wuhan is a city, it does not test. Laboratories test.

Ironically, you improperly appended "deers" with an "s", yet in the immediately preceding sentence, you neglected to pluralize 3 different words where an "s" is necessary.

You are a difficult read, to say the least.
Grace Preston's Avatar
makes you wonder just what IS the "SARS-CoV-2 virus", don't it?
Like, maybe its just a common respiratory illness or something, thats been around for years?

Wouldn't it be a thing if there was an outbreak of a new strain of the common cold, but it was hyped as the next Bubonic Plague for 3 months so the masses would clamor for rapid testing to see if they have it? And those rapid tests results would be considered ACTUAL infected cases, even though they're actually only reporting if artifacts of the common cold exist in your body.... wouldn't that be a thing? Heh...just imagine if they spent an entire year over-inflating deaths, classifying any dead person with the common cold as a victim of this virus just to hype the masses to get a new "vaccine" to cure them....except the "vaccine" ISN'T a weaker strain of the virus to naturally build immunity but some weird new mRNA gene therapy that hasn't been tested and actually completely fucks up your own immune system for good....and THOSE people are the ones that are now dying from this "virus"?

ha.....that'd be a hoot if it were a thing Originally Posted by FatCity

Given the several people I've lost in the past year and a half, I'd love it if that were an actual thing. But up until this point in life, I had literally never lost a friend or a family member to a "common respiratory illness". Heck-- its not unusual for me to have pneumonia every other year (lung defect).

Just imagine if conspiracy theorists spent more time on education and less time on Tucker Carlson-- that'd be a hoot if it were a thing.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I guess 2020 was the year that the white-tailed deer thinned our herd.
Precious_b's Avatar
Bacteria/viruses jumping species is not something new.
Been happening ad infinitum.
And it's been going both directions.

Ima sure somebody is going to make natural science a political point.
FatCity's Avatar
several people I've lost in the past year . Originally Posted by Grace Preston
hear that everyone?
Grace knows people who haven't lived forever.
throw out the Constitution, logic, personal liberty and lay down for anyone with power!
Grace Preston's Avatar
hear that everyone?
Grace knows people who haven't lived forever.
throw out the Constitution, logic, personal liberty and lay down for anyone with power! Originally Posted by FatCity

No, they can't hear me over the sound of you continually vomiting Tucker Carlson talking points......

There is a vast middle ground between what one side wants and what the other side wants. You assume that since I don't march lock step with you-- that I simply MUST be on the "other side". And that... is what is wrong with modern politics. I don't agree with vaccine mandates. I also know enough to know that COVID is far more than a "common respiratory illness" I believe its up to everyone to decide what is right for them-- with the understanding that others may decide what is best for them or their companies.
  • kochu
  • 11-14-2021, 07:21 AM
Fear is your enemy. Political and religious industries use fear to control populations.

1. Where will the tremendous amount of chemicals used such as hand sanitizers are going to end up?
2. Where the raw materials come from to manufacture this much of chemicals and other related products?
3. Where will the face masks, especially the disposable, end up and how long will it take them to degrade?
4. What is the overall impact of the above on the environment and life on this tiny planet?