Not receiving PM's in box ;)

I have 4 eccie notifications via email but when I open my box on eccie nothing is there. Please help. I have refreshed the page but not working. Issue started at 1:30pm.

Not sure if this is adish but I'm going to request that reference checks and client inquiries be sent to actual email address until this is resolved.
JCM800's Avatar
Yep, there's currently an issue going on with the PM notifications's either sending emails notifs from old PM's, or no emails at all on current ones. All I know about it is that they are aware of this issue and hopefully it will be fixed soon enough.
Thank you!

And sorry to the few I emailed if msgs weren't new. I wasn't spamming
jmhawk1's Avatar

I have a pm for your box... (Wink wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean?)