The Deep State. Do you believe in it? If so, what is it?

I do but I don't think it's a true centralized entity like the Bilderberg Group. It's more the Federal government, both Dem and Reps, of keeping their power and squashing anyone who wants to disassemble it. If you've been involved in annual budgeting in your corporation you know you spend your budget. If you don't the budget could be cut back and you lose head count.

Thus the Deep State acts similarly. They accrue power and budget and people who threaten that are "put down." The whole Louis Lerner affair is an example. She purposely withheld tax exempt status for people who she perceived as a threat. Same with Rod Rosenstein and "Russian Collusion Delusion" episode.

The Republicans do the same with defense contractors. How many weapons systems should not have been built or abandoned after they were deemed money pits?

The other aspect of the deep state is the "career bureaucrat." Not the people who work in the field but the grade 13+ who got to where they were by playing politics and not being objective. Peter Strzok is a good example.
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 10-11-2019, 02:57 PM
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Bottom of swimming pool?
LexusLover's Avatar
The Deep State. Do you believe in it?
No. The label gives the loons who have been attempting to overthrow the duly and properly elected POTUS with their ill-fated coup TOO MUCH CREDIT.

Going on three years later he's still in office hammering their lazy, ignorant asses into the trash and dirt they've strewn around the country and now are chasing them like the scared pigs they are into the slop pit they've created for themselves.

This little effort was shortlived and ineffective also:

Please continue the "impeachment of Trump"!!!!!!

Oh, wait .... the "investigation" for the Trump Impeachment!!!!

They are so stupid they don't know how to "impeach" him.
No. The label gives the loons who have been attempting to overthrow the duly and properly elected POTUS with their ill-fated coup TOO MUCH CREDIT.

Going on three years later he's still in office hammering their lazy, ignorant asses into the trash and dirt they've strewn around the country and now are chasing them like the scared pigs they are into the slop pit they've created for themselves.

This little effort was shortlived and ineffective also:

Please continue the "impeachment of Trump"!!!!!!

Oh, wait .... the "investigation" for the Trump Impeachment!!!!

They are so stupid they don't know how to "impeach" him. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well put!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-11-2019, 07:55 PM
I do but I don't think it's a true centralized entity like the Bilderberg Group. It's more the Federal government, both Dem and Reps, of keeping their power and squashing anyone who wants to disassemble it. If you've been involved in annual budgeting in your corporation you know you spend your budget. If you don't the budget could be cut back and you lose head count.

Thus the Deep State acts similarly. They accrue power and budget and people who threaten that are "put down." The whole Louis Lerner affair is an example. She purposely withheld tax exempt status for people who she perceived as a threat. Same with Rod Rosenstein and "Russian Collusion Delusion" episode.

The Republicans do the same with defense contractors. How many weapons systems should not have been built or abandoned after they were deemed money pits?

The other aspect of the deep state is the "career bureaucrat." Not the people who work in the field but the grade 13+ who got to where they were by playing politics and not being objective. Peter Strzok is a good example. Originally Posted by gnadfly
While I agree with much of what you said....except for the Peter Strzok part, Strzok had a distinguished career.
While I agree with much of what you said....except for the Peter Strzok part, Strzok had a distinguished career. Originally Posted by WTF
There are three stages to any career.The beginning, middle and the end. Strzok fucked up the end of his career, a time when you should be able to leave with dignity. His hatred for Trump got the best of him.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-11-2019, 08:10 PM
There are three stages to any career.The beginning, middle and the end. Strzok fucked up the end of his career, a time when you should be able to leave with dignity. His hatred for Trump got the best of him. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Maybe he is Kurdish...

Maybe he is Kurdish...

Originally Posted by WTF
No, he's just garden variety idiot, and by the way Trump never killed anyone. he isn't like Hillary Clinton and Obama who set up Christopher Stevens for his demise.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Maybe he is Kurdish...

Originally Posted by WTF

maybe he's one of your illegal Mexican "contractors" ..

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Deep state? Or state of mind?

no Originally Posted by matchingmole
Not . . .

Yes Originally Posted by oeb11

. . . necessarily.

Bottom of swimming pool? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Top of the clouds?

I will equivocate. The deep state is just a state of mind. The D.C. state of mind. "Far out man!" While I have not been in the company budgetary process directly, I have been asked to spend unnecessary funds. In the public and private sector.

Looking for ways to waste public funds just to justify the means is meaningless. But that is only part of the hatred for the ways Washington works. The "rules" of decorum is another. Yes the current POTUS is not an insider. That was part of his appeal right? Trying a smash and grab, take the money and run approach to progress is the wrong way.

Many court rulings, so far, have gone against the administration. The legal process and congressional "action" makes me wonder if they can use some quantitative easing. More new rules?

Another symptom of the deep state of mind is how politicians communicate. In the beginning it was partisan truth. Regional representatives voicing real concerns. Then slowly and methodically turned into hidden obfuscated motives for personal concerns. Now it's just straight up lying for the party. Throwing yourself on your sword. Yes, both sides. I won't lie.

I hope we can find our way back to a collective orgasm of stately debate and discourse. When we get rid of the orgasm, we become boring. Holding the party line is not progress. Lying is not progress. Today it seems like there is a Deep State. With lawyers telling us the truth is not the truth. And telling us you will be able to keep your doctor. Unfortunately he didn't say you'd have to pay for services yourself.

Don't get me started on the media.

Free state of mind

Slave state of mind
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Deep state? Or state of mind?

I will equivocate. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

no you won't



LexusLover's Avatar

While I have not been in the company budgetary process directly, ... Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I have in governmental agency processes ... proposing and spending.

When dealing with "others" money there should be a trust, because that's what it is, requesting and using others' money for THEIR benefit and not the benefit of the requester's friends and family.

Many court rulings, so far, have gone against the administration. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Have you read all of those FINAL opinions that are touted by the LameStreamMedia as having been "against the administration"? Like they do tweets and "eveasdroppings" the LameStreamMedia cherry-picks the language from orders, memorandums, and opinions to fit their narrative they feed to the public and primarily to themselves to augment and support their wishful thinking. I've seen/heard them quoting from minority opinions to "stretch the truth" ... just like the dumbass DNC candidates do on a regular basis.

This has got to be BEATO! .... SPEAKING OF THE DNC LOONS

eccieuser9500's Avatar
I have in governmental agency processes ... proposing and spending.

When dealing with "others" money there should be a trust, because that's what it is, requesting and using others' money for THEIR benefit and not the benefit of the requester's friends and family.

Have you read all of those FINAL opinions that are touted by the LameStreamMedia as having been "against the administration"? Like they do tweets and "eveasdroppings" the LameStreamMedia cherry-picks the language from orders, memorandums, and opinions to fit their narrative they feed to the public and primarily to themselves to augment and support their wishful thinking. I've seen/heard them quoting from minority opinions to "stretch the truth" ... just like the dumbass DNC candidates do on a regular basis.

This has got to be BEATO! .... SPEAKING OF THE DNC LOONS
Originally Posted by LexusLover

When you use those terms, you're no more than an incredulous blowhard. As easily dismissed as my follow up poster.