The Most Truthful Quote to date stated by a GOP Candidate

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Rick Santorum in S.C made this bold and yet truthful statement concerning November's Presidential election:

Actually I think he may be right!!!!!!!
"Mr. Nice Guy Mitt" would be chewed up, spit out, and then stomped into the ground by the Democrats. It will simply be MaCain all over again.

The Republicans need a Candidate that will go head to head with President Obama and call him out for exactly what he is. A Race Baiting, Class Warfare Socialist who will destroy this Country with his total ignorance of what made The United States the Greatest Country ever.

It will be an uphill battle because we are pretty close to that magic number where those that vote for a living outnumber those that work for a living. Those that are lined up for their "Obama Money" vs those that work and pay into the system.

If the Republicans have any chance at all this November, they will have to take the gloves off and call the President out for exactly what he is.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
"Mr. Nice Guy Mitt" would be chewed up, spit out, and then stomped into the ground by the Democrats. It will simply be MaCain all over again.

The Republicans need a Candidate that will go head to head with President Obama and call him out for exactly what he is. A Race Baiting, Class Warfare Socialist who will destroy this Country with his total ignorance of what made The United States the Greatest Country ever.

It will be an uphill battle because we are pretty close to that magic number where those that vote for a living outnumber those that work for a living. Those that are lined up for their "Obama Money" vs those that work and pay into the system.

If the Republicans have any chance at all this November, they will have to take the gloves off and call the President out for exactly what he is. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Sad thing is Mitt is Obama-lite so IMHO he doesn't stand a chance- Mitt screwed himself by being all over the place with his policies and by pandering to the TEA party. Mitt has already lost the Hispanic vote based on his Amnesty stand and he's not "in touch" enough too sway the all important "Independent" voters. The Iowa an N.H primaries most of the Independents votes went to other candidates besides Mitt.
However, just for the record- Santorum would get annihilated against Obama as well.
Exactly what he is? LMAO! He is a depression avoiding, Bin Laden killing, Iraq War ending, loophole-ending, constitutionalist who even made a signing statement to add to the Republican-backed NDAA. The people who scream that they want their country back forget we have been in this same position before during the days of the Robber and Copper Barons who owned government.

If you TRULY wanted your country back and the constitution to rule, you'd take the money out of politics, demand publicly-funded elections and demand that lobbyists be prohibited from transferring ANY services, money, aid, manpower and other "soft money" contributions to politicians and that Citizens United be repealed.

Jackie, anyone who thinks "welfare moms" are the culprit have their heads up their asses. First there are far more white people on welfare than ethnic minorities and there is more waste in the military budget and corporate tax breaks than all the welfare recipients get combined.

The "Job Creators" have not created a net plus in jobs HERE since Clinton. They are good, however, at moving factories to other countries and shipping jobs overseas.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Exactly what he is? LMAO! He is a depression avoiding, Bin Laden killing, Iraq War ending, loophole-ending, constitutionalist who even made a signing statement to add to the Republican-backed NDAA. The people who scream that they want their country back forget we have been in this same position before during the days of the Robber and Copper Barons who owned government.

If you TRULY wanted your country back and the constitution to rule, you'd take the money out of politics, demand publicly-funded elections and demand that lobbyists be prohibited from transferring ANY services, money, aid, manpower and other "soft money" contributions to politicians and that Citizens United be repealed.

Jackie, anyone who thinks "welfare moms" are the culprit have their heads up their asses. First there are far more white people on welfare than ethnic minorities and there is more waste in the military budget and corporate tax breaks than all the welfare recipients get combined.

The "Job Creators" have not created a net plus in jobs HERE since Clinton. They are good, however, at moving factories to other countries and shipping jobs overseas. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Little Stevie you are correct- my point is if the GOP wanted a polar opposite of Obama it's not Romney- Obama barring some disaster he will get re-elected. However, Stevie you are 100% correct on everything else.
elections are trading one asshole for another
Thanks, WE. Yes, I agreed with your post. I just wanted to point out the misstatements in Jackie's. Barring some sort of disaster, it looks as though the Teapublicans will self-destruct. Their only other hopes are (1) stealing the election with the new voter ID laws directed at students, minorities and the elderly. (2) massive Super-Pac spending that drowns out all other ads and convinces all the wanna-be upper middle class pretenders to vote with the mythical "job creators".

I hope Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are able to show even the retards what is really going on with Citizens United and all that PAC money.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
EXACTLY how does voter ID steal an election? Inquiring minds want to know.
How did Romney give in to the TEA Party? Be exact please.
I think you had better check the total amount of money the welfare programs spend before you make outlandish claims.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
EXACTLY how does voter ID steal an election? Inquiring minds want to know.
How did Romney give in to the TEA Party? Be exact please.
I think you had better check the total amount of money the welfare programs spend before you make outlandish claims. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I will answer your second question since I guess it was directed at me- Romney is not an ultra conservative or a far right wing conservative not even the least bit- in this video Romney states that his views are progressive:
Romney was once for Amnesty now since he is pandering to the TEA party conservatives he is against it- but what will hurt him in the election is that he has alienate the growing hispanic/latino vote. Do you actually think Romneycare is something the TEA party likes? You now see Romney attacking Obamacare give me a freaking break. Romney attack Obamacare is like a Bisexual man being against Gays.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Once again I ask how did Romney give in to the TEA Party. That assumes the TEA Party asked for (demanded) something and Romney gave it. All I see is a politician pandering to a group which is more verbal than action. It should be obvious that the TEA Party does not accept him wholeheartedly. Is Romney sincere now? Will he maintain a conservative line and hopefully take conservative actions? We don't know but there is one overriding concern and that is getting rid of Obama (and his corrupt, incompetent, gang of criminals). If Romney gets the nomination the TEA Party will back him.

I see no answer to the military waste question. Of course you and I may have different ideas of what consitutes waste. I think that having more aircraft, tanks, ships, and marines than we need is a smart idea. You may think of it as waste. If someone had suggested in 2000 that we needed to armor plate our Humvees and develope vehicles that can withstand IEDs you would have thought that was waste. Which is of course why we didn't armor our Humvees and go no further than Styker vehicles. The liberals in Congress thought it was waste but they turned rather quickly to condemn Bush for not getting it done in nine months rather than blame the man who failed to do his job for eight years.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
elections are trading one asshole for another Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim nails it. +1
TexTushHog's Avatar
The Republicans need a Candidate that will go head to head with President Obama and call him out for exactly what he is. A Race Baiting, Class Warfare Socialist who will destroy this Country with his total ignorance of what made The United States the Greatest Country ever. Originally Posted by Jackie S
From your lips to God's ears!!

Unfortunately, since I'm a Democrat, I think the Republicans are going to nominate someone much more electable.