It won't happen; but it would be a hugh game changer, a boost for the Romney campgain, energize conservatives, and take wind out of the Obama sails.............

BTW; Gary Johnson IS a Republican and was a participant in the Republican primaries....................h e would be a great VP choice for Romney.

Your thoughts.....
wellendowed1911's Avatar
tell me WW how this would help Romney- Romney right now is losing BIG with women, Hispanics, and AA- let's be real and let's just have the AA vote to Obama- even if he choose Rice- Obama still has that vote locked. Gary Johnson is not going to move tons of women voters away from Obama and Women are the primary voters. Johnson is not going to help Romney with the hispanic voters. You mention that it will energize conservatives- but Romney needs to energize Independents people who are registered as Republicans are going to vote for Romney regardless so why would he need to energize Conservatives?
Also, keep in mind that Johnson and Mitt have two opposite values so I don't see how they would even mix.
I still believe Obama wins this election it will be close but regardless of who he picks as VP- I don't see that person being a huge impact to carry Romney.
Also, WW my wager is still on- if Obama wins- you Deactivate your account and pay for an escort of my choosing and if Romney wins I will do the same- deal?
VP choices have little effect on how people vote; but an outside the box pick like merging the the GOP/LP candidates would be a signficant change in politics as usual...and I think that would play very well in Perioia......................p ulling many undecideds, independents, and others into the merged candidates...........

Romney is already winning the Independent vote; picking an LP would move more Independents in his corner....

If Obama hasn't gotten the Independent or Undedicded vote by now; they aren't going to move closer to the Obama camp because of a VP pick by Romney..........if you believe it is going to be close (which I don't), then picking up most of the 1% to 2% vote count that traditionally goes to third party candidates; can make a difference in outcome.

And Romney is not losing BIG among women voters...........polls are all over the place regarding the woman vote....and no way Obama repeats the 56% women's vote he got in 2008 .....a very small loss can translate into hugh gains for GOP. Bush won in 2004 with 48% of the women vote; a number Romney is easily polling at.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-09-2012, 03:24 PM
It won't happen; but it would be a hugh game changer, a boost for the Romney campgain, energize conservatives, and take wind out of the Obama sails.............

BTW; Gary Johnson IS a Republican and was a participant in the Republican primaries....................h e would be a great VP choice for Romney. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You clearly have not spent much time in New Mexico. Gary Johnson is a buffoon. On his good days.
Not as big a buffoon as Biden, right ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He was elected twice. Left the state better than what he found it. Vetoed 750 bills. Balanced the budget. What's wrong with that? We should have such a buffoon in the White House.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
VP choices have little effect on how people vote; but an outside the box pick like merging the the GOP/LP candidates would be a signficant change in politics as usual...and I think that would play very well in Perioia......................p ulling many undecideds, independents, and others into the merged candidates...........

Romney is already winning the Independent vote; picking an LP would move more Independents in his corner....

If Obama hasn't gotten the Independent or Undedicded vote by now; they aren't going to move closer to the Obama camp because of a VP pick by Romney..........if you believe it is going to be close (which I don't), then picking up most of the 1% to 2% vote count that traditionally goes to third party candidates; can make a difference in outcome.

And Romney is not losing BIG among women voters...........polls are all over the place regarding the woman vote....and no way Obama repeats the 56% women's vote he got in 2008 .....a very small loss can translate into hugh gains for GOP. Bush won in 2004 with 48% of the women vote; a number Romney is easily polling at. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WW- so if you don't think it will be close- I assume you think Romney will win in a landslide? If so then take me up on that bet.
Also, here's a poll today which shows Romney unfavorable rating going up : - so it's 3 months to election date- the economy would truly have to crash for Obama to lose- it will be close- I expect Obama to do well or get the best of Romney in the debates- sorry I never viewed Romney as a great debater.
Also, the one thing that Romney will have trouble getting across to american people out of work is that he understand their pain- sorry but a man like Romney who has not released his taxes and has accounts overseas and was responsible for laying off thousands of workers and shipping jobs overseas can not relate to the unemployed. Remember, this was a man who on national TV during a debate offer to bet Rick Perry 10,000 dollars- he's out of touch and no matter what he doesn't come off sincere. Let's not forget his own tax plan will benefit the rich- so Romney would need a miracle on a grandiose level.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Romney doesn't need the miracle. WE need the miracle! Whatever happens, one of them will be President for the next 4 years.

God, we need a miracle!

You might be right...and it will be ruinious day for middle class Americans if Obama gets reelected...

WW- so if you don't think it will be close- I assume you think Romney will win in a landslide? If so then take me up on that bet.
Also, here's a poll today which shows Romney unfavorable rating going up : - so it's 3 months to election date- the economy would truly have to crash for Obama to lose- it will be close- I expect Obama to do well or get the best of Romney in the debates- sorry I never viewed Romney as a great debater.
Also, the one thing that Romney will have trouble getting across to american people out of work is that he understand their pain- sorry but a man like Romney who has not released his taxes and has accounts overseas and was responsible for laying off thousands of workers and shipping jobs overseas can not relate to the unemployed. Remember, this was a man who on national TV during a debate offer to bet Rick Perry 10,000 dollars- he's out of touch and no matter what he doesn't come off sincere. Let's not forget his own tax plan will benefit the rich- so Romney would need a miracle on a grandiose level. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-09-2012, 09:35 PM
He was elected twice. Left the state better than what he found it. Vetoed 750 bills. Balanced the budget. What's wrong with that? We should have such a buffoon in the White House. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are talking about New Mexico. There is no comparision I know between New mexico politics and anyplace else. It is unique. Look up Manny Aragon. Look up some of the congressional districts that have essentially been passed down from generation to generation because a particular family was originally given that area as a Spanish land grant.

I'm not talking down about New Mexico politics, but to assume it's like Kansas or Alabama or New York couldn't be farther from the truth--it's just different. The only way to begin to understand it is to be a 20th generation New Mexican (not Mexican American, a very different thing) who can trace their lineage back to Coronado and also has Tewa or Navajo blood. Even then it's a maze.

Yes, those things happened while he was govenor--but he spent so little time in the state it is hard to say he affected the actions one way or the other.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Every state thinks their brand of politics is unique. Hell, Kansas just had a Republican civil war and tossed out a boatload of moderate Republicans. No one saw that coming.

And quite frankly, if someone was running for president and promised to do nothing for four years, he'd have my vote. It's the ones who want to help us that get us into trouble.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-09-2012, 10:16 PM
It's not just the politics that is different in New Mexico. It is the whole society. Better in some ways, worse in others, but largely just different.

If your idea of a good politician is one who does little to nothing, then you likely will approve of Johnson.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He's my guy! Damn straight there.
Mark this post for future reference:

You will never see two straight older white guys on any major parties Presidential Ticket for the likely remainder of your life.

and Gary Johnson may appeal to the libertarian members this board, he has the charisma and general appeal of a stray dog.
Poor COG. Delusional as usual. Gary Johnson is a nut. He recently mused to a reporter about how maybe it should be mandatory for all citizens to carry order to prevent mass shootings like the recent Colorado and Sikh events.

Right? Make sense? The solution to this problem is for everybody to carry a gun. Nuts.

Anyway, he's not electable. The repukes are never ever ever going to nominate a candidate who wants to legalize weed.