Almost Caught...Chapter 1

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
I was curious to know if anyone had any stories of almost getting caught in the hobby that they can share publicly. The goal of these stories are to learn from one another and share best practices.

I'll start. Recently, I was working out of town. I had a rental car. I went and had a great late night rendezvous. On my way back to my hotel, I allegedly raced through an unmanned speed zone. Nearly 1.5 months later, I got a citation for a moving violation in the mail...all with a picture of the rental car, me, and a date/time stamp.

At first, I got that knot feeling in my stomach until I realized I had already planned for this eventuality. I told my SO while I was out of town that I had notice the speed detection cameras hidden throughout the highways and hoped I didn't get a speeding ticket. I was able to recount that story quickly...because after all, it was and is the truth.

In a high surveillance society, somebody is always watching.

Would anyone else like to share?
Traveler64's Avatar
I sure hope someone grabs the thread from ASPD recounting 32Flavor's experience regarding a phone & almost getting caught because IMHO it's a classic.
Tailgunnr's Avatar
Anything by 32 was good reading
Bestman200600's Avatar
Don't leave any messages on your cell phone. If your SO ever sees them you will be shot down in flames.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Fragrances are a dead giveaway. Women have the nose of a bloodhound and if the strange pussy wears perfume she WILL detect it. Another is that DAMN glitter some gals wear. You cannot escape the glitter! I had a gal who was simply a co-worker ride to lunch with me one day a few years back. My wife noticed the passenger seat had been moved ever so slightly. They don't miss anything...
johnnybax's Avatar
My SO is fairly ditzy and she'll believe almost anything as long as you say it with a straight face
Bestman200600's Avatar
If you have a blonde hair on your shoulder after the session and your wife is a brunette your dead meat.
D-Rock's Avatar
(I posted this on ASPD a couple of years ago -- but it's still something to keep in mind)

Recently my buddy's wife found a provider's email address on his computer. She then contacted the provider, and asked for a reference. The provider responded, "Oh, yes. I have seen him several times. He is a great client!"

Providers, when giving references, please be damn sure you know who you are giving the reference to!

Hobbyists: Remember Rule #1. Don't leave evidence lying around.......
gatewayloco's Avatar
...........Taking notes...........
Bestman200600's Avatar
Always clean your computer and your surfing history. Tools, internet options, delete, and delete all. Don't leave Ashley Madison or Eros in your viewing history.
Jasser's Avatar
I second the glitter shit. That almost busted me when I first started hobbying.
neversummer's Avatar
Not to be an ass.....but if you have to tell someone how not to get caught, shouldn't they find a different hobby?
hwygnome's Avatar
Not to be a smartass. Oh wait.

When the little heads starts thinking the big head does not get enough blood to think with. Then you end up with blood loss when you get caught.

Sometimes Mr Murphy shows up to screw you over no matter what you do.

Sorry but no skin of the chin story here about almost getting caught. But I have been very careful walking some hotel hallways making sure I don't get seen by somebody.
dtx/tn's Avatar
Its good to get a little worried every now and then - keeps your head sharp.
Jasser's Avatar
Not to be an ass.....but if you have to tell someone how not to get caught, shouldn't they find a different hobby? Originally Posted by neversummer
True, but everybody starts somewhere. When I started, I never thought to get a hobby phone. I learned the most when I found online review boards.

Before that, my tactic was "deny till you die". Now I have nothing to deny because I'm more careful.