I would bet that 2 hours on an oil rig and you would be blowing the boss to go back to the a/c shack for the rest of the day, Pansy Randy4Dicks!
Why do you consider it an insult to call someone a rig hand? Call them that to their face, faggot!
Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Every time you open your mouth, or computer, and post more of your unknowing nonsense, another area of your ignorance is revealed. Now we all you don't know jack about the oil patch.
Since I'm almost 64 you are absolutely correct about me not being either able or inclined to do 2 hours on the deck. But, not being of the Mopboy persuasion, I don't have the need bore everyone with twice told tales of my past wonderfulness. Just remember that when you're slicking down some HP cop's private parts in order to secure a place to park your heap so you can get a little shut eye.