Hey Texarkana...I'm coming your way on Tuesday

berkleigh's Avatar
Hello! This will be my first time visiting you guys! I am in the process of making all my arrangements but wanted some feedback on the best location and as well as dining. (Almost vegan now so I do not eat meat) any input you guys can provide would be awesome! I have also send out all the follow up emails and am requesting flexibility from all who requested time. Everyone booked for the exact same time. If need be I can come in a day early or stay an extra day! Thanks in Advance and I am looking forward to it!
berkleigh's Avatar
Well I made it out late Monday and had a super busy day. I really enjoyed the conversations, stories and the Men I met out here. You guys are a hoot. I am really loving the super posh location I stumpled upon an may extend my visit for an extra day. I will be putting this city on my list and incorporate it in my Tour before I say goodbye! Thanks TEXARKANA
berkleigh's Avatar
I just wanted to say THANK YOU again to the gentlemen who came to visit! Yesterday morning took a turn for me as I will say I had something interesting hppen. In all 6 years have I ever experienced this and I will not publicly discuss it here but I will alert the local providers and traveling ladies as well as a moderator of the situation. I will however say I had a problem with 2 potential clients who are members of this board. For the most part I enjoyed my time but I can't say I will be back. I guess we do things different in Dallas and feel some don't like to play by the rules. Nevertheless, again Thank you to those who took the time to meet with me.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
I will however say I had a problem with 2 potential clients who are members of this board. Originally Posted by berkleigh
It's not hard to figure out which members you are referring to.

I have had several of my provider friends complain and I am sure it's the same ones. Sorry that these 2 had to ruin it for the rest of us.

I do hope you reconsider your decision.

Not all of us are bad guys and we do play by the rules.
berkleigh's Avatar
I will be coming back out soon.

I was pretty pissed off yesterday.

I don't recall having to deal with such BS ever especially while I am touring.

So I will see you guys in a few weeks

Thanks again to those who prebooked and had the proper screening.

Thank you for meeting those simple requirements or @ least having a p411 ID.

Thank you for not sending email after PM and being persistant after I said NO.

Thank you for being a gentleman and respectful.


Thank for not being cocky, rude and have no manners. (shame on you seriously)

I am really a super cool bitch and this is suppose to be nothing but good clean adult fun!

Its a shame others can't see it that way and are demanding.

I am not sorry I shot his ego down. SO WHAT!

I have the right to refuse service TO ANYONE FOR ANY REASON!

Get over it!

I will be back in TEXARKANA AND SHREVEPORT no matter what is said about me..............