Aunt Flo (inspired by tig's thread)

After reading tig's thread ( ) I have to post a thread on gals and what they should do with Aunt FLO - but at the same time asking the men how often they can tell about one thing that ladies use to help.

So - first of all - I got to say,


They have Seasonale, which lets you have your period only 4 times a year.
(Or you could do like me and have it when you have time or want to take time off. My endocrinologist and my doctor have said it's not a major thing...and I'll mention the reason that I came up with doing that next) Four a year rather than 12-13!!!!!! No more ruined vacations! (if your period is coming up, then don't take the sugar pills that week, wait an extra week. no one demands you HAVE to have your period just because that is what your BC packet says to do.)

If you REALLY want to control things - get on Depo Provera. It's a tri-monthly injection (tiny needle, you get it in the butt cheek) and you don't have a period after like the second shot. I was on it for 3 years. LOVED IT. (only bad part for me was headaches when I was getting due for my shot) I think it's got a 98.9 success rate on preventing pregnancy. When you combine that with a condom being used (again, if nothing "happens" to it while getting down and dirty) - then you're protection against pregnancy is even better! (but i know, i know - it can make you gain weight -but for the tiny spinners - they usually don't have weight issues to begin with.

Ok - what I've only done once and some insensitive provider from atlanta made a funny post about. (sorry don't have her name or the link - she has a blog, and if you know who i'm talking about - read the sponge post. But the one after that or 2 - she's degrading to many "potential" clients. Which totally turned me off on her.)

So - sponge.
Who's done it?
i have, once. It was on a "make up" session - which is ironic...since the sponge a lady is suppose to use is a "make up sponge". LOL (and is even mentioned on one of the episodes of Secret Diary of a Call girl when Belle quits for her Madam, and says "NO MORE SPONGES SO I CAN SEE MORE CLIENTS" or something to that effect.)

So - my question for the guys is - have you ever found out a provider was on her cycle - even though she was using a sponge?
What was the situation?
Did you feel the sponge? By hand or dick? How?
Did you notice any odor? (just wondering - as I had just barely started when I used it, and would NEVER see clients during my time of the month - unless the sponge method was used just to make sure things were clear right after stopping.)

Ladies - have any of your clients figured it out before?
(if you care to even mention that you've done it. Hell, I'm not worried - cuz I don't have a period hardly ever, so I got nothing to try to hide. And I LIKE TAKING A BREAK from "work". I do this on the side anyways - so I'm low volume. I guess some girls need the money so bad - they figure it won't matter. In that case - spend $50 on 3 months worth of BC, even if you don't have insurance. - mine is less than 10 on insurance.)

I know they have that ring and something like the IUD they had years and years ago. I saw a black chic with the IUD and the scar was awful and it was raised up. So that wouldn't be for me.

I don't know what else is out there - but really - there should be more control over your body ladies. REALLY.
Things to think about--

1. Depo Provera does not cease periods for everyone. For some, it causes spotting throughout the ENTIRE month, which is worse than a regular period.

2. A lot of providers are over the age of 35, and at that point, BC pills can sometimes be more dangerous than good, particularly for smokers.

3. Like Depo, pills do not necessarily control periods for all people.

4. Perhaps if one is going to make grand assumptions, they should take the time and consideration to not be overtly condescending.

Oh-- and to answer the question--- I don't work during that time unless the client WANTS that kind of session. I've cancelled more than once due to it.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Ditto DecemberLove. I've celebrated the second anniversary of my 25th birthday (sounds so much better than saying I've been on the planet half a century), and many BC practices are not recommended for my age group. Tried Seasonale and Depo and had spotting on both, the sponge leaked and was uncomfortable for me, and the shot resulted in a weight gain that I have to admit has been difficult to shed more than two years after going off it. Depo will lower the metabolism and increase the appetite in a percentage of women, like lucky frickin' me, and long-term aftereffects may be worse than previously thought and are being studied.

I had an ablation (removal of the uterine lining) for a uterine polyp that caused Niagara Falls heavy menstrual bleeding (oh, heck, no subject embarrasses me) and that has had the lovely side effect of stopping my periods. WOO HOO! Let's hear it for medical science!!! There's a small chance it may grow back, but unlikely at my age.

Like December, when Mother Nature was visiting or imminent, I told my gentlemen callers, canceled if I had to, and/or offered oral-tory sessions during that time. Some took me up on that, and some actually didn't mind the red scourge. We just used the thickest condoms available and spermicidal, STD-blocking foam -- and a plastic sheet. (I know, YUK!)

Granted, some ladies try to hide their period or get careless, but no reason to be snide or crude when discussing this and insulting every provider.
Interesting...........but I will bite

This black chick...(me) uses an IUC, no scars here.

Im going to assume the providers with tiggold didn't really care and not really my business.

Do you really expect the men to come out in the open and say "They can feel it". Be it sponge, or IUD,or IUC.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Damn...what is up with some of these new chicks on here?

Yeah, it's a good idea to cancel when aunt flo comes to town. I personally don't see anyone during that time. First off, it's gross and second, I feel gross.

But getting on here and slamming chicks the way you did is kind of...not smart.

Shitting in your own backyard is never a good idea.
When I first read this I thought I must just be feelin defensive today, and decided not to post because I thought I was just taking it the wrong way. I feel relieved knowing that others found this condescending as well.

I TRIED Yasmin which was supposed to stop my major PMS, the DR wanted me to take 3 months on, 1 week off, just like Seasonale, Seasonique, Quasense, etc. His logic was that I would only have 4 periods a year, plus only 4 bouts of PMS.

WELL. I gained weight (which was not a shock, I was on BC in my 20's and gained weight). And I developed "morning sickness" and had constant nausea. THEN, I started having spotting, so I gave up on that quest. It was worse than having a period!

I know going into it it sounds like utopia, but birth control does have side effects and does pose health risks. It is narrow minded to think it is the answer to everything.

I am curious myself as to how many hobbyists can actually tell if a provider is on her cycle if there is absolutely no blood or smell.
Ugh. Periods suck. I've cancelled more than one appointment because of it. I just feel so gross and bitchy and uncomfortable, I just can't imagine working during it. I go hide in my batcave and wait it out.
Man, I was spayed many years ago and have never regretted it for one microsecond! I feel for all of you guys AND gals that have to deal with all that.
Ugh. Periods suck. I've cancelled more than one appointment because of it. I just feel so gross and bitchy and uncomfortable, I just can't imagine working during it. I go hide in my batcave and wait it out. Originally Posted by tracibrooks

LMAO, I know, right! I love your brutal honesty! I am lucky that the gross feeling and the actual bleeding is only like 3 days for me, so it is relatively easy to deal with. Now the bitchiness! That haunts me for EVER. I feel like I spend half my life in a state of PMS, although I am good at hiding it and most people never realize it. It is good that other people can't hear my thoughts because during my PMS time, I can be smiling and laughing and having a great time on the oitside and inside I am a bitchy PMS nightmare! That's why I was willing to try the Yasmin regimen, even thought I knew it had health risks. On the upside, I am a pro at hiding the fact that I feel like being a bitch, so I did learn something useful out of it
Stevexox02's Avatar
Okay, since for some reason I've come out of lurking and posted twice already this evening, I'll bite . . .

My Mrs. had a hysterectomy a few years back, so #1 its great that we never have to deal with Aunt Flo again.

But before that, I could begin to tell when she was ready to start because being inside her would feel "granular" or spongy, and sure enough, she'd start in a day or two.

And sometimes we would get so horny that we would play around while she was on it. Of course she would be as prepared as she could be before we'd start, but cleanup for both of us afterwards was much more involved.

But we both had the attitude that "its just something that happens" and we dealt with it well. Plus, she would get really horny when she was on her period.

On the hobby side, I have never been with a provider when she was on her period, as far as I could tell. And with a condom on, I don't think I would be able to notice the "spongy" feeling that the Mrs would have right before. And y'all are unique, so maybe the spongy feeling was just her.

I feel for Tig, its one thing with a person you are intimate with regularly and been together with for a while.
Its quite another, when it messes up your fantasy date with a hottie that you've been lusting for.
steverino50's Avatar
The first time I saw the provider that has become my ATF, she IM'd me an hour before the session to say Aunt Flo had showed up early. She let me off the hook or offered to "torture me" if I still wanted to see her. I opted to show up. After a little get to know you petting she says "I have a stopper up me".
We proceeded to have one fantastic time doing everything you would expect from a typical session. Everything. No muss, no fuss, no bother.
The stopper worked great.
lilsmurf's Avatar
It doesn't bother me, just more lube to ride the surfboard to shore!
Except the tongue goes to starfish, (once) and I am not telling .
lilsmurf's Avatar
Marla I will bring you some pills for those symptoms, don't suffer.
lilsmurf's Avatar
I saw someone with a cup in, but itld tasted more like a battery or iron.
So I said my turn quickly.